Mark VII owners - how’s it going?

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Feb 2, 2014
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So, after a few weeks with the VII how are things? Is the amp still ‘all that’? Strengths? Weaknesses? Just curious to hear some updated opinions now that the dust has settled a bit! Thanks
Mine is definitely in the ‘all that’ category - I actually just replied to that effect in my “Bought a Mark VII” thread a few hours ago, along with a IIC+ mode clip.
I own a couple Simulclass Mark IIIs and the Mark VII is the only other Mark Series that has ever interested me thus far. Too big of a tag for now, but might end up selling some stuff off to fund one at some point!
Just got a MKVII and California Tweed 4:40. Once Randall Smith and the old guard fully depart, I seriously doubt I will buy anything Mesa sells. I predict it's only a matter of time before Gibson ruins this company.

I've still got my MKIV's, MKI, MKIIC+ and MKV 90W.

I'm still mixed on the MKVII. It doesn't "blow me away" neither does my MKV 90W. But I will take my time playing and experimenting. My 92 MKIV REV A's are still my go to's. But tastes and hearing can change over we'll see. I'm neither underwhelmed or impressed with it just yet.

But I do enjoy the somewhat simpler functionality (sans the midi and cab-clone).

I read people bitching about the old style tolex and old combo cab size of the MKVII. I like them both. The same Tuki padded covers that fit my IIC+, MKI & MKIV's fit my MKVII.

Too bad the new MK footswitches are so thin, cheap and flimsy. Not solid and substantial like the old MKIV footswitches.....oh well.
I responded to this threat on September 12, 2017. It was in regards to the next Mark.
It just made logical sense to call the next mark a Mark VII. This was about 6 years ago. Considering in 2016 the JP2C came out, not exactly a replica of the original IIC+ just different. How much of the wish list on this thread made it into the amp in question?

Mark reference.JPG
I have been catching up on some of the video content lately. The Mesa Demo revealed the back of the amp as does the actual website images on the specific page for that amp.

  • Noticed the tubes in the images of the VII are the Mesa STR445 (JJ 6L6 power tubes).
    • Same tubes they are stuffing into the Rectifier amps.
  • Just for fun, I looked at the JP2C and that amp is loaded with the STR443 (TungSol/Sovtek variant).
  • The Mark V has the STR441 (Tung Sol/Mullard variant of the GE tube.)
So my question is: What flavor of power tubes came in your Mark VII ?
The Mark VII combo looks interesting, if for no other reason because it is in stock at Sweetwater. 😀

How does the C90 speaker sound compared to a V30 in an open back? The TC-50 combo has a V30 and the Badlander 25 combo has a Creamback so I’m familiar with those. Honestly, I don’t mind those on their own but they always sound better to my ears when plugged into a 2x12 vertical Recto cab.

The little V25 1x10 combo is OK and passable as a grab and go, but not as good as the 1x12 combos (sound wise).

El Rey: any comments on direct comparison of the common channels between V90 and VII would be appreciated!
I responded to this threat on September 12, 2017. It was in regards to the next Mark.
It just made logical sense to call the next mark a Mark VII. This was about 6 years ago. Considering in 2016 the JP2C came out, not exactly a replica of the original IIC+ just different. How much of the wish list on this thread made it into the amp in question?

View attachment 1427
Good call!

I still think the VII moniker it had something to do R. Smith turning 77 this year.
Good call!

I still think the VII moniker it had something to do R. Smith turning 77 this year.
I would not doubt it. I just remembered I made the comment back then when all were hoping for the next gen Mark amp. I doubt the JP2C has anything to do with the numbering scheme. What was the prototype they would have called MKVI? It would be curious to see what was in development before the final release. What they learned and what were the deciding factors with the features they have now? I am sure what goes on behind the scenes is not something they would share with the general public. Some would get totally bored with that sort of thing. Not me. I like the weeds.
The MC90 is just an ok speaker. Too bad I have not had any good luck with those starting with the Mark IVb. Dust cap always seems to find a way to unstick itself. I have destroyed two in my Mark V combo. I am not a fan of combos in most cases but do have one I feel is ideal (California Tweed). As for a 85W to 100W combo with single speaker, too damn heavy to grab and go, more like throw the casters on and push it.
Finally caved in and bought one. I only had it for a few hours so far, so the dust has not settled yet.
There is not much difference between the JP2C and Mark VII physically speaking. Other than the obvious differences, they are both based on the same topographies in simple terms. I would not doubt there are more differences in components used to voice each mode. Based on the tube task chart out of both manuals. It appears the JP2C clean and lead channels match the Mark VII clean, IIC and IV channels. I stated "same as JP2C" but this only implies the task chart in the gain chain is the same. What I found interesting is how Mesa designed around the basic lead drive circuit and how it gets inserted into the mix and what part gets bypassed.

CH1: V1A->(TS)->V1B->V2B->(FX)->V2A->(GEQ)->PI
CH2, CH2: V1A->(TS)->V1B->V3B-V4A-> V2B->(FX)->V2A->(GEQ)->PI

Mark VII (to keep it simple, I will just list the voices)
Clean/Fat modes: V1A->(TS)->V1B->V2B->(FX)->V2A->(GEQ)->PI (same as JP2C)
IIC+, IV modes: V1A->(TS)->V1B->V3B->V4A-> V2B->(FX)->V2A->(GEQ)->PI (Same as JP2C)
IIB mode: V1A->(TS)->V1B->V4A->V2B->(FX)->V2A->(GEQ)->PI
Crunch: V1A->V3B ->(TS)->V1B->V2B->(FX)->V2A->(GEQ)->PI
VII mode: V1A->V3B->V4A->(TS)->V1B->V2B->(FX)->V2A->(GEQ)->PI

Mark VII right out of the box, the IIC+ mode nailed it. Identical to the JP2C channel 2. Note I have Mesa STR415 loaded in the JP. If I only had the STR440 or STR443 to compare with, the Mark VII would be the winner. JP2C does seem a bit limited due to tone flavors. I just do not see why it would cost more. PT or OT differences?



How does the Mark V90 compare to the Mark VII? it doesn't. It does not compare to the JP2C in any respects either. The closest I was able to get the Mark V90 to the JP was to use the extreme mode on CH3. I also had to replace all of the preamp tubes with something that prevents ice pick. Mostly Mullard CV4004s, one Tung Sol (V2) Mullard reissue 12AX7 (V7) and a Svetlana in V1. OK, the Mark V90 has a nice clean channel. Really? is that all that is left? Nope. JP2C clean with the STR415 or STR448 power tubes sounds amazing. The Mark VII on the other hand, has the best sounding clean channel I have yet to hear, clean or fat. Most of all, the FX loop works correctly. It is no different than that of the JP2C as it should be. GEQ sits between the FX return and phase inverter as I think it does. I have not tried slaving out the FX send to another amp yet to confirm. May try that with one of the Badlanders.

The only thing that is similar between the Mark V90 and Mark VII is the crunch mode. Mark IIC is weak, Mark IV is ok but still not as good as the JP2C, extreme comes in a close third. Badlander on crush mode is a close second to the JP2C or the Mark VII modes: IIC, IV and VII. The Mark IIB is also cool. So if you are looking for a bedroom amp, stick with the Mark V90 or get a load box as the 25W power mode is much louder than you think it should be. This Mark VII is a brute in all respects. No fizzy overtones either. It also has some class in the clean and fat modes too. This amp is more pro grade than what I felt about the Mark V90. I do have the V90 running and sounding great. It just does not seem to be at the same level of performance as the VII or JP.
I have to retract my comment on the Mark V90 that it does not compare to the Mark VII. I found the reason to be the preamp tubes. The Mesa 12AX7 were the cause of the boxy and ice pick tones. At first I thought all was a lost cause with tube rolling. Tried Many Mullards, Tung Sol, Chinese 7025, If it was currently made from 2000 on up to pre-covid years, I bought it and tried it. I have also tried some old Mesa tubes from the 1990's. Even some NOS versions of those from Ruby. I still could not get something satisfying until last week or so. The key ingredient is the STR441 power tube. Svetlana in V1, Tung Sol in V2 and a Mullard long plate in V7. These are current production tubes you can find at TubeDepot or TheTubeStore. V3, V4, V5, V6 are loaded with the vintage Mesa tubes or NOS Chinese sqaure foil getter tubes from Ruby. The Mark V90 now holds a candle to the Mark VII. At 90W full power I was able to match all of the modes Clean, Fat, Crunch, IIC+, IV and Extreme (sounds identical to the Mark VII Mode on CH2). Tweed and Edge are the odd balls but now they sound great. Those were the two ice pick modes I could not cure with the saturation mod. No need for a 12AT7 tube. So what is up with those preamp tubes? I tried them in the JP2C and they were fizzy sounding. Not in the Mark V though. They also do a great job with the Mark VIb as well. I stopped trying with those in the Mark V90 as I did not have the final piece to the puzzle: STR441 power tubes. The Mark V90 is one of those amps you can tune to sound like crap or something incredible. It does take some time to find out what preamp tubes will do the trick.
st440 può essere sostituito con st441 senza alcuna modifica del bias (che è fisso)?
st440 può essere sostituito con st441 senza alcuna modifica del bias (che è fisso)?
st440 può essere sostituito con st441 senza alcuna modifica del bias (che è fisso)?
Sì, è possibile utilizzare il tubo STR441 al posto del tubo STR440. Basta ordinare il set con lo stesso codice colore che hai nel tuo amplificatore ora. Mesa ordina le loro valvole in modo che rientrino in un intervallo di tolleranza dell'amplificatore. Mesa codifica i loro tubi da rosso, giallo, verde, grigio e blu. Il rosso avrà meno guadagno e più headroom, il blu avrà più guadagno e meno headroom. Il verde è un equilibrio tra i due.

Se hai intenzione di utilizzare una miscela dei due tipi di tubi, STR441 e STR440, ottieni i tubi nella stessa gamma di colori.

I hope this translated properly.
The Mark VII combo looks interesting, if for no other reason because it is in stock at Sweetwater. 😀

How does the C90 speaker sound compared to a V30 in an open back? The TC-50 combo has a V30 and the Badlander 25 combo has a Creamback so I’m familiar with those. Honestly, I don’t mind those on their own but they always sound better to my ears when plugged into a 2x12 vertical Recto cab.

The little V25 1x10 combo is OK and passable as a grab and go, but not as good as the 1x12 combos (sound wise).

El Rey: any comments on direct comparison of the common channels between V90 and VII would be appreciated!

The Mark VII combo looks interesting, if for no other reason because it is in stock at Sweetwater. 😀

How does the C90 speaker sound compared to a V30 in an open back? The TC-50 combo has a V30 and the Badlander 25 combo has a Creamback so I’m familiar with those. Honestly, I don’t mind those on their own but they always sound better to my ears when plugged into a 2x12 vertical Recto cab.

The little V25 1x10 combo is OK and passable as a grab and go, but not as good as the 1x12 combos (sound wise).

El Rey: any comments on direct comparison of the common channels between V90 and VII would be appreciated!
I have the VII combo. To me, the Black Shadow speaker in the VII sounds way better than it did in the V combo and my VII speaker isn't even broken in yet. I got a V head and a 2X12" Vintage 30 cabinet about 4 years ago (which I sold to get the VII) and I thought that sounded best, but the VII combo sounds good and loud on it's own! I'm in my 6th decade of playing now and the thought of hauling all that heavier extra gear is not appealing-especially with arthritis creeping in. Good thing I don't have to! In other news, the VII is easier to dial in tones than the V was and if you play in a cover band, the crowd at the bars will be fine with the tones - they're all highly usable. Best thing I did was get an Xotic Super clean buffer/booster pedal and put it after the tuner, wah, pitch/harmonizer, compressor and noise gate pedals in the signal chain and it buffered it all and boosted treble from long cable runs. I don't use or need overdrives or distortion with this amp - I have an MXR booster I use to compensate for the lack of the solo feature that my V had. This mesa has a buffered FX loop. so all is quiet now when not playing. I'm very happy.
Mark VII is all that and a bit more. I am loving it more than I thought I would.
Has similar characteristics to the Badlander in crunch and Mark VII modes, it is on par with the JP2C (loaded with the STR415 power tubes). I am not disappointed one bit.

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