Mark V with Axe-FX

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Nov 10, 2010
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Has anyone used the Axe-FX WITH a Mark V live? If so, what channel do you run the Mark V on and how do you compensate as far as the "tone" settings?
moth said:
Has anyone used the Axe-FX WITH a Mark V live? If so, what channel do you run the Mark V on and how do you compensate as far as the "tone" settings?
Do you mean using the AxeFx for the amp sims as well as effects or just as an efects unit?
I have an AxeFx in 4 cable mode and use it primarily as an effects unit but sometimes use a preset with an amp sim. When I'm using the amp sims I can change the MarkV's channels and each one gives a different character to the sound, sort of three voices at your command for any AxeFx amp sim with channel 1 being quieter and 2 and 3 similar volume but 3 is kind of tighter, more modern.

I have the Effects Loop block in my main preset that is set up for effects only so the drives, filters, wah, pitch etc all go into the instrument input of the MarkV (guitar plugs into AxeFx) and the chorus, verb's, flanger, delays, etc. all go after the MarkV's preamp stage.
By having the AxeFx in 4 cable mode and removing (or bypassing) the Effects Loop block in the AxeFx preset the preamp stage and Eq's etc of the MarkV go silent and the AxeFx runs it's whole signal chain through the power tube stage of the MarkV. The MarkV becomes the power amp and speakers for the AxeFx and it is a really really good amplification platform for the AxeFx as you might imagine.

So I don't see any compensation for the different channels since the EQ's aren't in play for the amp sims in the AxeFx and when the amp sims are out of the picture you just use the MarkV as you usually would. With amp sims in play you use the tone settings in the AxeFx and the only differences between channels on the MarkV comes from the number of tubes that are active for that channel and the wattage settings and Output volume, the channel masters don't even come into play.

Hope that helps
I have an AxeFx in 4 cable mode and use it primarily as an effects unit but sometimes use a preset with an amp sim. When I'm using the amp sims I can change the MarkV's channels and each one gives a different character to the sound, sort of three voices at your command for any AxeFx amp sim with channel 1 being quieter and 2 and 3 similar volume but 3 is kind of tighter, more modern.

Even switching modes such as crunch/mark 1 in the same channel has a significant effect on the power amp section (I'm using it with a Mako Mak4 preamp). Definitely try it out in all modes and channels also when running a preamp into the effects return. Makes a big difference.