Mark V noise in channel 3 triode

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Feb 27, 2010
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Hi All

i'm new to the forum, I just purchased a worderfull Mak V head some days ago.
I have notice an increase in the noise ( a sort of hum) when I'm on channel 3 and select triode in the power section.
Any one else has noticed the same??

thanks for the replays.
thanks for the answers

anyway the noise in almost gone in 10W and increases progessively with 45W and 90W and vanishes when mute is on.

Thanks again
minv said:
thanks for the answers

anyway the noise in almost gone in 10W and increases progessively with 45W and 90W and vanishes when mute is on.

Thanks again

Im assuming you don't have noise gate/suppressor, the hum is normal since it's a high gain amp and depending on how much gain, treble and also the pick ups on your guitars.
you'll be getting the annoying hum, which is to some and not so annoying to others.
yes , you are right, i don't use any noise gate.
I agree with what you said.
My problem is just to understand if it is normal that I get this hum in channel 3 when i switch from pentode to triode, with the same settings and no guitar plugged in.
I get a bit of hum in both pentode and triode, it's the same amount both ways. Noise gate takes care of it, and the noise floor is well below the signal level when the gate is bypassed.
Thanks SteveO for the answer.
I was wonder why in pentode the amp is really deadly quiet while in triode I get this hum that doesn't change with the output level but only with the power switch (the noise gate of my g-major 2 doesn't see this noise, I think is generated after the return circuitry),anyway it is in the range of the noise coming from the cooling fan.
I asked to decide if I have to call my retailer or its normal and I can enjoy the beast freely.
