Mark V making crackling/tremolo noises...need new tubes?

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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2010
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My Mark V seems to be making a crackling noise that responds with pick attack when I play it for the first 20 minutes or so. It starts to have a whirling tremolo effect and the volume just fluctuates but it eventually goes back to normal. I've owned the amp for about 8months now and whenever I play it I usually keep the volume around 10:00-11:30. Are my power tubes failing? I checked the tubes when I hear the crackle but everything looks normal. My jam room is in my cold garage but I always let it warmup in standby for around 15min before playing. What do you guys think? Might be the time for some new SED Winged =C= 6L6s!
Whenever something weird starts happening with any one of my tube amps I always blame the tubes first. Thus far I've always been right.

It's why it's always good to have a second set around; it makes trouble shooting a lot easier when you can swap new tubes in right away.
Just last nite I played a gig with my V and the amp started to make a vibroto like sound like you described. It was the ever present FS cable problem with the V. The EQ was cutting in and out. I fixed the cable so it wouldn't sag and no more probs.
I had the EXACTLY same problem, nothing to do with the tubes, is your wiring system in your garage..I giged in a friends new garagage and he told me he did the wiring himself..well the mkv sounded nice in low volumes but when I raised it the tremolo sound started and sounded awful..Then I returned to home, set the same config and nothing wrong use an ups or something!
I've been playing it in the garage for the past 3 months or so and I've never had this problem before a week ago. Would you still advise ordering some new power tubes? If so where could I order a quad of Winged =C= 6L6's for a reasonable price? I got my preamp tubes from a while back.
I'd try the above suggestions.. they're basicly free and easy fixes, so if they solve your problem then that's a good thing.

As for the tubes, the thing about buying tubes is that even if it doesn't actually fix the current problem you'll still wind up with a set of spare tubes, which you will eventually get to use some day.

I use ... I don't know if they're necessarily any cheaper than Doug's though.
Ah, is $115 for a quad of SED 6L6's. They should be fine to just stick in the Mark V and go right? I've been wondering if I have to buy a set that specifically works for the Mesa fixed bias.
Great, I sent Doug an email and he told me if I send an email after I order some, he will make sure they are for the mesa fixed bias. Like you said, it can't hurt to have an extra set of tubes around in case I have some problems. I'll order some up and hopefully they'll sound better than the stock Mesa 6L6s.
Okay, now my guitar sounds out of tune or just weird when I play through the Mark V. Maybe it's just my ears playing tricks on me, but its screwed up. It sounds off when I play standard barre chords on the heavier strings. It sounds perfect unplugged and the intonation is good enough. It also sounds fine through my Vypyr 15w practice amp. Can tubes make an amp do stuff like this? It's rather strange.
Well guys, I pulled the trigger. I ordered a quad of SED Winged =C= 6L6s AND SED EL34's. Can't wait to try both of em and compare. Ordered them from for $120 (including shipping) for each quad. I'll let you know what I think. I made sure to email him to tell him to make them good for the mesa fixed bias.
I had the same crackling noise. I called Mesa and they thought I should start the diagnosis with the preamp tubes. I tapped on all the power tubes first since I was back there, then tapped on all the preamp tubes. I didn't hear or see a thing. Then a funny thing happened; my reverb quit working on all channels. I had a spare 12ax7 and started with replacing the V4 slot. The reverb came back and I've had the amp on for an hour and it is dead quiet, no crackling any more. Just thought I would share this in case it could help someone else.
OK. I'm really getting frustrated now. I thought I had the crackling issue solved but it's back. I bought a new Mesa 12AX7 and one by one replced each preamp tube. I get an intermittent cracling noice in all wattage settings, all channels, loop in or out. I take the amp off Standby and I unhooked the footswitch and did not even plug in my guitar and still got crackling. I called Mesa a while back and they said to start replacing the preamp tubes so they were no help. When I put the channels on 90 watts, I get a ton of hissing and crackling, more than I think should be normal. I do not have any of my settings extreme, they are all a notch or two from center. I wish I would have ordered a SPAX7 to put in V1. I guess I have to bit another bullet and replace power tubes. Can anyone offer any assistance?