Mark V Head or Combo?

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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2009
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So , the only places that carry the mark v in my area, only have combos. I know i can order a head, but i love insta-gratification! Id like to have the head, but The combo seems cool too.

I have a 4x12 mesa recto cab with black shadow C90 speakers.

Im thinking about buying the combo and just putting on top of my 4x12, and play the bigger shows with the 4x12 hooked upthrough the extension output. (and Id actually get another speaker on top with the combo)

Does anyone do this? Does this make sense? Im also feel that the combo would be more worthy as I get older (I wont have to hull a 4x12 everywhere)

Im seeing plenty of positives, but can anyone think of any negatives???
Only the weight of the combo, but if you're happy enough to drag a 4x12 around then it's probably not going to be an issue! I've heard the head sounds better than the combo, but I don't believe it myself.
NR2112 said:
So , the only places that carry the mark v in my area, only have combos. I know i can order a head, but i love insta-gratification! Id like to have the head, but The combo seems cool too.

I have a 4x12 mesa recto cab with black shadow C90 speakers.

Im thinking about buying the combo and just putting on top of my 4x12, and play the bigger shows with the 4x12 hooked upthrough the extension output. (and Id actually get another speaker on top with the combo)

Does anyone do this? Does this make sense? Im also feel that the combo would be more worthy as I get older (I wont have to hull a 4x12 everywhere)

Im seeing plenty of positives, but can anyone think of any negatives???

Many stores have at least 15 to 30 days to try, so buy the combo. See if the Combo works for you if not, return it and order the head.

In my case, I bought the head first and had it for a couple weeks, but I had played the combo before and to me the black shadow in the combo sounded better so I switched to the combo and I 'm still very happy with it.
I'm not sure I would be able to ever play the combo again after playing through a nicely matched head/cab setup. I didn't like the combo version at all on the gain channels - cleans were fine though - filled the space nicely.
Will you only ever use 1 head? If you are considering ever adding another head then that is the route to go. I got a MKV head, then added a REC head, will probably add an Electrodyne in a year or two when I can get a deal on a used one. You can also get various cabs to switch in and out with whatever head you are using. You can also put your head in a travel case to protect it, or even case it with a space or two for rack mount goodies. Some say you get more tube vibration in a combo than a head. Not totally sure about that one but it seems to make sense.
I know I am repeating same rant but I started with a combo and was very annoyed with tube rattling. We changed all power tubes (2 were rattling) and the rectifier tube (rattler as well) it brought the rattling down but did not get rid of it. Now if you blast at a gig level or even practice level its not an issue really but at bedroom level that when you might hear the glass tickling. I could not imagine struggling with this after dropping 2K$. I exchanged it for a head after a week. Just by separating the amp from the speaker reduces the vibrations a great deal. That was the ticket for me. It's been a year now and could not be happier. I use mine with a 2x12" cab. Some people got an 1x12" express which for all pratical purpose is a combo equivalent soundwise (openback+C90). The head and the combo is the same amp so they sound the same. The combo weight in at 69 lbs. The head is 45 lbs if I remember correctly.
I would say head. Why limit yourself to what speakers you use it with? I tried it in the sound room at GC through a recto cab and it sounded great. But even better when I took it home to my Diezel front loaded 4x12 with V 30's. I am getting a roadster cab for my JC-120H head and gonna try it through there.I like the endless speaker combos. Just my onions. ;)
All great points. There is a place actually down the road that has a head in stock, BUT. they will only allow a 24 hour return period. I cant imagin getting through all the sounds of this beast in under 24 hours!

"Many stores have at least 15 to 30 days to try, so buy the combo. See if the Combo works for you if not, return it and order the head."

I like what mesaman said. For some reason I feel bad returning something that expensive. But perhaps I just gotta get over it huh? Hell, they offer the return policy for a reason.... id hate to be known as the guy who buys and returns all the time (I return a larger purchase about a week ago :(
Get the head and a 1x12 (or 2x12) cab. An open back cab (since you already have closed-back 4x12) would give you more versatility, and give sounds similar to the combo. The mesa 3/4 back 1x12 sounds really nice with the Mark V cleans.
I have both the combo and the head. I think they both bring something to the table,but I do give the nod to the head.
I like the combo myself, I haven't had any tube rattling issues, so those problems may be isolated. The combo is the whole spirit of the original boogies, I love taking this little combo out and freaking people out with the huge sound that it has. I, along with many other combo user's on this forum have no trouble getting monster tones out of it, and of course you already have a 4 X 12 cab so if you need it for bigger venues it's there. My guess is for most situations you won't need it.
At the suggestion of a producer/mesa artist buddy of mine, who test drove the head and the combo at NAMM and loved the combo, I was at the factory and tried both. I have been a head/cabinet guy for a couple of years, and was pre-disposed to like the head, for the flexibility.

After playing the head with a wide body open back 1x12 and the combo, I actually preferred the combo. It felt more unified and organic, even though the speakers were the same and they were essentially "apples to apples". I can't explain why, or articulate it. Again, i was predisposed to like the head, but the combo just "felt" better, or different, and more "right" to me. I ended up ordering a combo with the C90 plus a widebody closed back 1x12 which will hold my OEM EVM-12L.

For smaller gigs, the combo will be fine by itself. At 69 lbs, at is heavy but at least it has casters. I can roll the combo. The head is close to 50 lbs and you just have to haul it, plus the cabinet. Larger gigs get the extra cabinet, and has no larger stage "footprint".

So, I went with the combo. Now, I just have to wait for it to be built.

I don't think you can go too far wrong.
babow2 said:
At the suggestion of a producer/mesa artist buddy of mine, who test drove the head and the combo at NAMM and loved the combo, I was at the factory and tried both. I have been a head/cabinet guy for a couple of years, and was pre-disposed to like the head, for the flexibility.

After playing the head with a wide body open back 1x12 and the combo, I actually preferred the combo. It felt more unified and organic, even though the speakers were the same and they were essentially "apples to apples". I can't explain why, or articulate it. Again, i was predisposed to like the head, but the combo just "felt" better, or different, and more "right" to me. I ended up ordering a combo with the C90 plus a widebody closed back 1x12 which will hold my OEM EVM-12L.

For smaller gigs, the combo will be fine by itself. At 69 lbs, at is heavy but at least it has casters. I can roll the combo. The head is close to 50 lbs and you just have to haul it, plus the cabinet. Larger gigs get the extra cabinet, and has no larger stage "footprint".

So, I went with the combo. Now, I just have to wait for it to be built.

I don't think you can go too far wrong.

Exactly how I felt. This is why I got the Combo too.
NR2112 said:
All great points. There is a place actually down the road that has a head in stock, BUT. they will only allow a 24 hour return period. I cant imagin getting through all the sounds of this beast in under 24 hours!

"Many stores have at least 15 to 30 days to try, so buy the combo. See if the Combo works for you if not, return it and order the head."

I like what mesaman said. For some reason I feel bad returning something that expensive. But perhaps I just gotta get over it huh? Hell, they offer the return policy for a reason.... id hate to be known as the guy who buys and returns all the time (I return a larger purchase about a week ago :(

Where do you live? None of the stores have one to jam on and try one out? I know for sure yeah you can't tweak your sounds and test everything out on this beast in one day or two. I am on week 3 and still tweaking. Even more this weekend when I change all the tubes out. :)
babow2 said:
At the suggestion of a producer/mesa artist buddy of mine, who test drove the head and the combo at NAMM and loved the combo, I was at the factory and tried both. I have been a head/cabinet guy for a couple of years, and was pre-disposed to like the head, for the flexibility.

After playing the head with a wide body open back 1x12 and the combo, I actually preferred the combo. It felt more unified and organic, even though the speakers were the same and they were essentially "apples to apples". I can't explain why, or articulate it. Again, i was predisposed to like the head, but the combo just "felt" better, or different, and more "right" to me. I ended up ordering a combo with the C90 plus a widebody closed back 1x12 which will hold my OEM EVM-12L.

For smaller gigs, the combo will be fine by itself. At 69 lbs, at is heavy but at least it has casters. I can roll the combo. The head is close to 50 lbs and you just have to haul it, plus the cabinet. Larger gigs get the extra cabinet, and has no larger stage "footprint".

So, I went with the combo. Now, I just have to wait for it to be built.

I don't think you can go too far wrong.

Very Good point, and thats kinda how I feel about everything. Ive always been a head and cab guy myself, so this combo thing is kinda foreign, but Im gonna see how it works. Im gonna pick up a combo tonight at guitar center near me, take it home and jam with it for a few days. If I cant live with it, then at least I haev the option to return it (within 30 days). If I feel I ABSOLUTLY have to have the head, then I can order one, or find one near me...

And that is what I like about Guitar Center. 30 days to figure out if you like it. :D
sean106alcon said:
Where do you live? None of the stores have one to jam on and try one out? I know for sure yeah you can't tweak your sounds and test everything out on this beast in one day or two. I am on week 3 and still tweaking. Even more this weekend when I change all the tubes out. :)

Theres a head available a ways away, but they only got 24 hours to let me figure it out. Im just a nervous nelly when it comes to things like that. lotsa $$$

Good luck with the tubes... I LOVE to experiment with em too!!!
So I am gonna bring the combo home tonight and tiddle with it. Ill report back troops and let ya know how I feel. Thanks for the input!
So right now I have basically the same question...I have a combo and the 1X12 closed back wide body. The closed back adds some nice low end compared to just the combo. But...I am curious if the 2X12 rectifier vertical and a head would be better? Or what if I sat the combo on top of the 2X12? Or is that a disaster waiting to happen??
Shaner30 said:
So right now I have basically the same question...I have a combo and the 1X12 closed back wide body. The closed back adds some nice low end compared to just the combo. But...I am curious if the 2X12 rectifier vertical and a head would be better? Or what if I sat the combo on top of the 2X12? Or is that a disaster waiting to happen??

Same idea we both have. I brought home a combo last night and set it about my 412 mesa recto cab.

It sits nicely, For practice.... I dont think I would trust it up there though at some of the venues we play :lol:

It is a bit cumbersome to have the combo on top, but here are some positives:

5th speaker on top, more air!
kinda like having a monitor in your face!
having the combo allows you to play in your room and at frinds without to much logistical hassle
a combo, you will always have a plug and play amp when you want, in one convenient unit!

The bad?

heavy, yes
balance on the top may be an issue
tubes are tougher to get to maybe? not quite sure as I havent prodded around
now you gotta find a place to put it with the extension
Looks kinda goofy and outta place on a 412 :)

boy howdy decisions decisions
I initially demo'd a MkV head & 2x12 cab but purchased a combo. I've been very pleased with the combo! Amazing amp!
I recently got the combo, and it's been spot on. The only problem is that it's too loud for some folks.

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