Mark V Clip (Channel 2 Crunch Mode)

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Well-known member
Jun 6, 2007
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One of the big gripes with the Mark IV was RHY2. Personally, I didn't mind it but definitely could have been better. Several requests were sent to me to put together a clip of Channel 2 on the Mark V. I recorded this entire clip on Crunch mode. The rhythms were just the amp straight up. I used a clean boost for the leads to add some sustain but it probably didn't even need it.

I did a cover of Carry On My Wayward Son by Kansas. I modernized it a little bit and played the leads from memory. You can tell I winged it in a couple of areas. Either way, I like the mode quite a bit and you can tell there is a ton of gain without having to goose it with a boost. One of my favorite lead tones I have been able to get from any Mark series amp.

Your thoughts?
(Re-post from your thread on Rig-Talk.)

I really liked the rhythm tone and loved the lead tone. Best Mark V clip I've heard. :D
yea, good job. I too don't hate the MIV r2 sound, but this illustrates that the m5's r2 is a big step up!
Very nice work, I enjoyed it alot! Nice tones & great playing. Thank you for taking the time

Do you find the crunch mode to be your go-to solo sound over anything on channel 3?

And it does have enough sustain on it,s own to sing without a boost, and not to have to, "fight with the strings" as I,ve heard some players say?
gibson5413 said:
One of the big gripes with the Mark IV was RHY2. Personally, I didn't mind it but definitely could have been better. Several requests were sent to me to put together a clip of Channel 2 on the Mark V. I recorded this entire clip on Crunch mode. The rhythms were just the amp straight up. I used a clean boost for the leads to add some sustain but it probably didn't even need it.

I did a cover of Carry On My Wayward Son by Kansas. I modernized it a little bit and played the leads from memory. You can tell I winged it in a couple of areas. Either way, I like the mode quite a bit and you can tell there is a ton of gain without having to goose it with a boost. One of my favorite lead tones I have been able to get from any Mark series amp.

Your thoughts

excellent sound!!!!!!!!!!!! do you think you can share your settings for channel 2? nice playing :D
sounds really good. i too am getting cool sounds out of Crunch, low-ish gain ones with the Gain at noon and mid-gain ones with it at 3 o'clock or higher. to me it sounds like a lower-gain version of the Mk IV mode.

were your settings for the lead and the rhythm tones on this the same? (except for that clean boost you mention.) could you post the settings?

kiff said:
yea, good job. I too don't hate the MIV r2 sound, but this illustrates that the m5's r2 is a big step up!

This is the clip I've been waiting for. Rhy2 was unusable for me for my style of playing, but this is excellent. I agree with S_F_A_T that it sounds like a lower-gain version of the Mk IV.

Great playing, too.
Thanks for the compliments everyone! I appreciate it. I am going to work on a Rush clip soon. Maybe you guys could help me decide: Natural Science or La Villa Strangiato? Let me know.

Here are the settings I used for the clip:

Crunch mode
Knob settings (o'clock)
Gain: 4
Presence: 9
Treble: 3
Mids: 10
Bass: 8:30
Master Volume: 9
Preset Knob: 1 (EQ sliders off)
Output 2

It is set to Tube on the back. I know it says that Diode is only available to 45w mode but I thought I could hear a slight difference in tone. I'll have to try it next time. Maybe I'm just losing it. Either way, play with the gain knob. There is a ton of versatility with this setting. I was using my EBMM Petrucci guitar and Bogner OS 2x12 with V30s.

Shang Chi 66 said:
Very nice work, I enjoyed it alot! Nice tones & great playing. Thank you for taking the time

Do you find the crunch mode to be your go-to solo sound over anything on channel 3?

And it does have enough sustain on it,s own to sing without a boost, and not to have to, "fight with the strings" as I,ve heard some players say?

I wouldn't call it my go to mode but it has certainly opened my eyes to channel 2. I am going to play around with it some more. It definitely has enough sustain to play lead without a boost. With a little delay it sounds fantastic. I mainly used the clean boost to add some sustain at low volumes. The tone itself did not need it at all and I don't have to fight my guitar to get what I want. I know the above settings show it to be loud but I control the overall volume with my Rocktron Xpression through the amp's loop.
Just tried your setting for Channel 2. Excellent. For anyone having trouble dialing in channel 2 this is the place to start.
Thanks for sharing.
gibson5413 said:
I am going to work on a Rush clip soon. Maybe you guys could help me decide: Natural Science or La Villa Strangiato? Let me know.
Villa! that would rule.

Crunch mode
Knob settings (o'clock)
Gain: 4
Presence: 9
Treble: 3
Mids: 10
Bass: 8:30
Master Volume: 9
Preset Knob: 1 (EQ sliders off)

cool--that's very similar to my Crunch settings. last night i tried it with the Mids cranked--it sounded good for thicker leads, especially when i switched to Mk I mode, but it made the Crunch rhythm tone too flabby for me in the "background" of the sound; didn't have any crispness anymore.
scott from _actual time_ said:
cool--that's very similar to my Crunch settings. last night i tried it with the Mids cranked--it sounded good for thicker leads, especially when i switched to Mk I mode, but it made the Crunch rhythm tone too flabby for me in the "background" of the sound; didn't have any crispness anymore.
so far, for me, I am approaching Mk I mode as a different amp altogether-when using all 3 channels, crunch seems better voiced to jive with chan. 3- MK I usually makes chan. 3 sound thin just because of its bottom heavy far, that is...lots of tweaking yet to occur
...I did find a friendly edge tone with L Paul on neck position, you can get into a little strat territory-lots of amps in one box/not necessarily something you have to set up for all 3 channels to be effective :) channel two is a great all around rocker!
I was just playing on that channel and mode last night thinking how good it sounded. Your clip is a great example of that tone. That channel is kind of a sleeper, lots of cool sounds that overlooked initially because of the fabled IIC+ mode.
I thought Channel two crunch mode gain and trebble full up was the best gain sound on the Mark V. Very clean and more alive than any of the Mark settings. Mesa should base an amp around that alone (or is that what the stilletto is?)
Elpelotero said:
You never cease to disappoint with your clips!

Probably slightly OT but have you talked about what recording equipment/techniques you use on your guitars regarding mics/placement, preamps, panning, compression/limiting?? I know a lot of someones "sound" comes from the player themselves though... :)

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