Mark V as a preamp

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Apr 10, 2010
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Hi. I want to use my mark V just as a preamp (my output will be the FX SEND). How can I safely turn it on without a cab conected?
If I let the MUTE switch turned on, will it be safe?

Other doubt I have: Is it safe to turn on an amplifier on the STAND BY without a cabnet for a long period of time?

I THINK if you use the slave out you can turn the master volume all the way down and get a signal...try it....but you always need a load if you go through the power section....
boogieman60 said:
I THINK if you use the slave out you can turn the master volume all the way down and get a signal...try it....but you always need a load if you go through the power section....

I am doing this. But I want to carry just the amp. not amp + cabinet.

What if I remove the power tubes?

I need to find a way to use the amp without the cabnet.
boogieman60 said:
I THINK if you use the slave out you can turn the master volume all the way down and get a signal...try it....but you always need a load if you go through the power section....

The slave out is tapped off the Output Tranny. This means that the signal from the slave output is going through the output section of the amp (powertubes etc.).

Get yourself a dummy load. In the long run they are cheaper than a new OT. A simple power resistor will work:

That is a 50 watt, 8 ohm resistor. If you use the amp at 10 watts it would most likely only get slightly warm, at 45 watts it would need a heat sink. Four of them wired series/parallel would give you a 200 watt 8 ohm dummy load for about $20.00.

Just build one half of this:


(edit to include power resistor link)
(edit to include dummy load project link)
domct203 said:
The slave out is tapped off the Output Tranny. This means that the signal from the slave output is going through the output section of the amp (powertubes etc.).

Get yourself a dummy load. In the long run they are cheaper than a new OT. A simple power resistor will work:


Thanx man!
I'll build one of this for me.

I think it will resolve my problem.