Mark V 3/4 stack (pic content) and video too

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Jun 23, 2009
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I bought a 2x12 Rectifier cab today to create my 3/4 stack. I am so happy with how it both looks and sounds I can barely even describe it. It's just as tall as me (I'm kinda short so don't hate).


I'd totally take the casters off the 2x12 to get more bass response, but I am short which = not much body strength and it helps so much when I need to move it around as the whole setup is easily 200 lbs.
who cares how short you are (i guess except to hauling it around)? :p you got an awesome setup!

randy rhoads was a dinky guy but he shred the hell out of his stacks (3/4 or otherwise) 8)

cheers! Here's a video of how it sounds.
jHemy said: Here's a video of how it sounds.

may be noodling, but i thought it was cool :) yay for new acquisitions! and yay for a finding some new settings you like!
Sounds great, man :)
....and looks killer. :evil:

Used to be the awesome looking stacks had "Marshall' all over them....well move over, rover, 'cuz Mesa's taken over at the icon of killer rock looks (and sound, IMO)!

Good luck! :D
congrats man! glad that people ar efinally having some fun with this long awatied head as well!

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