Mark V:25 Max clean volume giving guitar trouble

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Mar 24, 2016
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So I use Pedals, inc Gain pedals, so I'm after loud clean channel. I use Chan 1, Clean. Through 2x12 cab, Fender Strat. I have Clean gain on about 11 oclock, and volume on 2-3. That gives me a clean sound loud enough on stage (Its pretty loud). My problem is when I push gain (Tumnus, EP booster or Mini TS, I also have a compressor as first pedal), I'm getting huge amounts of feedback/Squealing (not the nice GNR type, just a uncontrolled Squeal) when I'm not hitting any strings.

anyone seen this or have a solution? How loud can you push the clean channel, or have I just hit the limit of 25W. Anyone know at what level Master do you start to get power amp dirt.

You get Squealing from too much gain, so I'm guessing that the gain of the pedals, is also pushing the clean sound into clipping which is giving me the problem?
That sort of feedback has more to do with proximity, microphonics (pickups/pedals/even leads). Daisychaining active gain pedals is a no no also.
Which model Strat is it?
How have you got your compressor set?
Trust me that is one effect that very few people know how to set up
ok, I had a play with the compressor and that was the problem. Sometime during the last gig, I cranked he volume on the Ego Mini to 12 O'Clock. That, meant it was putting gain into everything else (and of course compressing everything up to that level). When I lowered it down to 9'O'Clock, the problem went away.

I think with the compressor, I noticed it took away, percieved loudness, so I cranked it up, but in reality is was just bring up lows, and lowering highs, which is what its meant to do.

I'll see how it goes next gig.