Mark IV with 6L6 + EL-34 combo!

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ibanez4life SZ!

Well-known member
Jan 27, 2006
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Hey guys! This is going to be a long post, so get ready for some reading :wink:

Over my time here, I've seen many guys ask this question, myself being one of the ponderers. Having an amp that can, by design, take a combination of tubes is quite intriguing, so no wonder so many people wonder about it.

On to the point...I finally went out and got a pair of Mesa EL-34s to try in the outer sockets of the Mark IV. I got them used, as to not spend too much cash on the venture, but they work just fine. Popped them in at band practice, with Lead volume at 3 and Output at 4, Full, pentode, simul.

I waited a whole month before posting anything about my findings, as in the past, I have made recommendations on a honeymoon period, many of which prooved to be false. As with my recto, I praised it after a retube, only to once again hate it less than a month later.

This case is different. I have done through 4 practices in the month with the combination of tubes, and I must say, it is OUTSTANDING, atleast for my purposes.

My tonal quest as far as amps has been quite difficult. I started on the Rectifier series. Loved it at first, as my tones were very simply and nu-metal oriented. As I grew as a guitarist and musician, I came to HATE the Rectifier mush and atonality. It sounded like I was always on the neck pickup. All thump, and no bite.

Then, after playing the Mark IV, I found it to be a much more musical and natural amp. It made my guitar sound like a stringed instrument, rather than a overly bassy unnatural drive.

The Mark IV is a very tight amp...we can all agree on that. But, stock, it still has teh 6L6 nature. Big, and even when clear, a little woofy. Whenever I palm mute, the sound came out as more of a thud rather than an aggressive crunch that I was looking for. This is more taste than anything, as the "thud" is in no way a bad simply hit you with a big bassy punch, rather than come up and bite. I wanted a crunchier character to my gain.

So, finally went ahead and popped in the EL-34s, and I have been in heaven since. The longer I think about it, I see that I am going to like EL-34s MUCH more than seems like the tubes sit more natural in the guitar frequencies, while 6L6s push the instrument to parts where it should not be. But these tubes have added a whole nother dimension to my drive channels. All I can say is CRUNCH....the gain is very crunchy and raunchy, rather than open and overly gainy. Like said before, it bites rather than thumps. Overall, the gain is much clearer, and harmonics come out much easier. The bass pot on the amp, and the GEQ, are MUCH more usable...nothing seems to fart out on me.

In a band mix, this new setup is just fantastic. Cuts like a knife, and I am playing at lower volumes than before. I was having a hard time pulling a REALLY aggressive metal tone from the Mark, but the EL-34s do it without a problem now. It's all about that midrange crunch :twisted: The sound is FAT, and never gets drowned out. I don't get in the way of the bassist or bass drum anymore. I'm always right there, leading the way.

All in all, I'm exstatic about this configuration. I was ready to swap pups on all my guitars, and go through a whole retube to change the tone to what it is now. This was a very simple change, and I'm glad that was all it took. I'm also VERY happy with the stock Mesa tubes in general, and plan to stay with them, as I've found my tone with them, and they are a VERY reliable tube.

I can't really comment on the low volume tones, as I only use the Mark IV at stage volumes, where it excels, but for someone wanting a REALLY aggressive drive out of the amp at gigging volume, I HIGHLY recommend trying this cheap configuration.

The only downside of the swap...the cleans did suffer slightly. I still like them, as I prefer a slightly grainier clean, but for someone wanted maximum squeeky clean tone, this is not for you...the 6L6s do it better.

Hope that helps for anyone wondering! :D

Cool man, I've always wanted to try EL34s in my MKIV too, I just might have to try it out.

I do know that I love to blare my Tiny Terror at full volume, which has EL34s... fucking amazing tone out of that little *****. Also playing my RK with EL34s set is very, very nice. I agree about your description of it... even at the same volume, switching from 6L6s to EL34s just makes the tone more gnarly and complex and awesome. I still totally dig the 6L6 sound though... also the Recto sound. You just have to turn rectos up insanely fucking loud to get their real sound to come out.

Every time I think my recto sucks nuts I just turn it up to 12oclock and my pants become freshly soiled. 8)

Good post.
Trust me...I played the Recto LOUD....I just couldn't gel with it.

To each his own...that's the beauty of it :wink:
i absolutly agree i4l.i experianced pretty much the same thing at my last couple of gigs.did metallica use the el34 option in the mark4?
btw ibanez4life....are the prs se models worth modding with new pups if i dont have enough cash to drop on a usa prs?
Play them and see what you think....they are very well built guitars, but for me, they fall WAY short of the USA models. I'm biased though...when I went to play them, I expected them to atleast slightly represent their more expensive brothers. Big no on that.

Then again, the price take is about 1/4 of the USA models, so if they play well for you, mod it, and it will make a great guitar. They are solid pieces.
Thanks, ibanez4life! I'm considering getting a 2nd Mark IV so that I can have one with this tube configuration and one with just 6L6s. I'd be curious to hear an A/B comparison between the two (with the same guitar, cab, mic, etc.), especially at louder volumes. Would you be able to do such a recording at your practice space?
I could definitely do it for you....don't know how soon that will happen, as school is very busy right now, but I'll do my best to get it to you soon!
interested to hear that comparison ibanez4life, I've found el34s with 6l6s to be very nice as well, but I can't seem to get that palm-mute crunch that you're talking about, perhaps I'm not playing loud enough, they sound more like farts when I play them... when i turn up the bass a bit more I can get closer, but perhaps my tubes are too old, I cant seem to get a pair that doesnt glow blue...

or perhaps, I should get a new speaker or two... any recommendations?
Tubes glowing blue isn't necessarily a bad thing. I've heard that when a tube is really workin it will glow blue. When I first retubed my Mark IV I forgot the fan and after a minute of cranking it, i remembered and checked the tubes, one of them was glowing blue. I think it means they are getting too hot.
the blue is oxygen leaking into the tube and ionizing. It's not a good sign lol... It means a tube is nearing its end, but it could last anywhere from 1 day to a year more lol. Im just not sure how much it affects tone when its having oxygen slowly slowly entering the vacuum
ahh, so i was confusing purple with blue, my bad, but yeah, only some of my tubes glow blue on load, so... but anyways, that blue is some form of gas, so ideally (obviously not realisitically) there would be no glow, but since vacuuming processes aren't perfect, a blue glow is expected and therefore normal.

just fyi, the only tubes that glow of mine when I flip off standby are the 6L6s, the EL34s stay pretty much regular most of the time, or maybe thats cuz Im still not thinking right, and I have it on triode rather than pentode... :oops:
Ya, when I was a noob to tube, LoL I always thought blue was like the the apocalypse for an amp. But I read somewhere that it happens when the tube is stressed sometimes. I've only seen it happen once, and that was a 6L6 on the far right, but it was something to do with it getting really hot. I've never seen a purple one.
I went to the rehearsal space tonight and put JJE34L's in the outer sockets and dialed it in. I really like what they do for R2. I was digging the tones I was getting so for the sake of experimenting I put the 6L6's back in and found that I still prefer all 6L6's in the Mark IV. R2 isn't as smooth and crunchy but the lead channel is much more defined and tight. The clean is also way better (as expected) with all 6L6's.

I wouldn't mind trying some KT-77's in there.
The EL-34s DEFINITELY need to be cranked to shine....makes the Mark IV choke at low volumes's a crazy good loud volume tube though. HIGHLY recommended for that.

And for palm mutes, I found the C90s helped a lot too. They made them bigger and more powerful....the EL-34s added the crunched I wanted to them.

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