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Mark IV Widebody Combo Cab - Custom Color!

The Boogie Board

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Well-known member
Boogie Supporter
Oct 1, 2005
Reaction score
Maui Wowee!
I sold my DC-5, and this cab has just been sitting there collecting dust.

It is a Mark IV Widebody cab. I re-covered it in Wine Buggy Whip Tuarus, which is just a Ruby Red.
I never found the time to re-cover the back though.
It has a Wicker Cane grill cloth.
While I had the original tolex (which was pretty torn) off, I countersunk stainless steel deck screws into all of the wood joints. This thing could get hit by a Mack truck and still keep right on rockin!

I really don't want to sell it, but I won't be getting another Widebody amp for quite a while and it is just sitting here collecting dust.

This cab will fit the following amps:
Mark III widebody
Mark IV widebody
Nomad 55
.50 Caliber
F-50 (I think)
Probably more that I can't think of right now.

It comes with Boogie badge.
No speaker or Reverb Tank.
No amp, just the cabinet.

$125 + shipping. Paypal is OK!
I have a brand new Hellatone 60L 16 ohm speaker I can throw in for another $50!





Standard Widebody size:

Chassis opening:
20 3/4 wide
9 1/2 deep at the top
10 3/8 deep at the bottom

Exterior dimensions:
22 1/2 wide
19 tall
9 1/2 deep at the top
10 3/4 deep at the bottom

I SSSSOOOOOOOOOOO want this but don't have the money right now
Would you take a trade for a Roland Micro Cube barley used and a rack reverb/mulitieffects unit that has no cover but still works fine? Haha just giving it a try this is a great deal and i'd buyt I just don't have the money yet. I'm gonna try and turn my Mark III into a combo.