Mark IV vs. Roadster

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Mar 28, 2007
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Hey Guys,
Right now I have a PRS CU22 w/ a SD jazz in the neck and a JB in the bridge, along with a '52ri Telecaster. I play thru a ton of effects into a silverface non-master fender amp, but lately I've been playing a lot of different gigs (besides my indie/effectsy band) and have been wanting more and more versatility in my base clean/drive tones and have been looking at Mesa. I get paid to play quite a bit and play in a studio and need to cover as many tones as possible. Have always loved the singing Boogie lead sounds and need to cover from those nice, kinda grainy cleans (think old incubus?) all the way to palm mute crunch. Which of these two amps is the most versatile? Do they take effects well?
My preference would be the MKIV. It has the thick singing leads and beautiful chunky rythms. The Roadster has some awesome clean to light crunchy tones in Channels 1-2, but I don't care for the distortion characteristics of channels 3-4. Try them out if you can. Both are very versatile...
They're different animals. One is inherently smooth and one is not. In your case I'd get the Mark IV. If possible, try a Road King II. More versatile than even the Mark IV but again, it's a recto so it's not going to be as smooth.
Some people I've talked to have said it's hard to get some of the "chunky" type of rythyms from the Mk. 4 because it tends to make you sound like a violin. I'm gonna go check both out today, just wanted your thoughts.
I like my Mark IV. It is the most veratile amp I have ever played. It won't get the Recto sag nor bottom but that is why I have a Rec coming.
The better amp would probably be the MK,It seems that is the opinion of many but from what you have said It sounds like a rectifier your after,Incubus=rec's(tremoverbs)
The four channels on the roadster means you could probably dial in any tone you wanted,1&2 being lower gain,3&4 being higher gain recto stages,I would say the Roadster,although I do own a recto so its a little bias to say that but I'am saving for a MKIV so It isnt really,both great amps,it sounds like a rec you want though and the roadster is one of the most versitile rec on the planet

I also say the roadster, the tones you described are defintly rec's and for lighter gain stuff you can push the brit mode on channel 2 with an OD.

Alot of people are biased towards the MKIV on this board I have noticed, good amp, but alot of patience needed to tweek it, needs to be played loud and for metal i think it is more suited for 80's, thrash and speed metal then any other kind.

However you did say you love the singing boogie lead tones, so that points towards the MKIV, however incubus uses tremoverbs so if you want that tone, well a rec would be your thing. You can get good singing lead tones with a REC with a lower gain setting and a OD pedal, however compared to the MKIV on lead tones it just wouldnt be as good.

So basicaly, for the most verstile i would say the Roadster, the roadster has alot better cleans from what I have heard.

bombdizzle said:
Hey Guys,
Right now I have a PRS CU22 w/ a SD jazz in the neck and a JB in the bridge, along with a '52ri Telecaster. I play thru a ton of effects into a silverface non-master fender amp, but lately I've been playing a lot of different gigs (besides my indie/effectsy band) and have been wanting more and more versatility in my base clean/drive tones and have been looking at Mesa. I get paid to play quite a bit and play in a studio and need to cover as many tones as possible. Have always loved the singing Boogie lead sounds and need to cover from those nice, kinda grainy cleans (think old incubus?) all the way to palm mute crunch. Which of these two amps is the most versatile? Do they take effects well?