Mark IV vs Rectifier...?

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well you seem to know more about nevermore than i do but i think your statement goes to prove my point. and listening to albums might not be helpful at all thanks to recording magic and effects.

the only deal breaker for me so far is that the recs dont feel as good as the marks do when i play. to me the mark iv has more power in the palm mutes than a rec so im pretty sure im doing something wrong (it might just be my ported cab w/ the mark)

jp has used both extensively so listen to dts albums of what one person can do with both...
Silverwolf is right (about the Nevermore stats)
DHIADW and Enemies were both 100% boosted dual recto.
When I had my Rectoverb, I could get very close if not spot on to the Dead heart tone with a boost in front.
I moved my Rectoverb for my Mark III for feel more than sound.
Rectos are (IMO) are much stiffer feeling than Marks and I play much more lead/shred than I do chugga chugga rhythm so the Mark III is a better fit for me, but if I had cash to burn I'd definitely own a Roadster,
and a Mark IV (why not) :D
My Rectoverb boosted with the MXR EQ in the loop sounded just flat out awesome, but I don't gig anymore and it's not that great a "home" amp, you need to get it somewhat cranked as I think you do with all Rectos,
My Mark III in class A sounds great at low night time practice volumes
so for me it's a bit more of a "usable" amp.
I would never say one is better than the other though.
they both excel in thier own ways.
Silverwulf said:
Regarding Metallica, I personally think the tone from MOP and AJFA is very thin and brittle compared to Load.
:shock: one might be able to say that about AJFA, but imo, MOP has one of the fattest sounds in metal history. Anything after the "black album" sounds like crap, for the most part imo
fatoni said:
well you seem to know more about nevermore than i do but i think your statement goes to prove my point. and listening to albums might not be helpful at all thanks to recording magic and effects.

the only deal breaker for me so far is that the recs dont feel as good as the marks do when i play. to me the mark iv has more power in the palm mutes than a rec so im pretty sure im doing something wrong (it might just be my ported cab w/ the mark)

jp has used both extensively so listen to dts albums of what one person can do with both...

Well, if the Mark's feel better to you than the Recto, that's all that really matters... :) I was just pointing out that you can definitely hear a good Recto sound on those albums. I'm particularly fond of DHIADW. For me personally, that's what a good heavy 7 string tone should sound like. That album was actually the reason I bought a 7 string a while back. Never had a desire to own one until then.
kiff said:
:shock: one might be able to say that about AJFA, but imo, MOP has one of the fattest sounds in metal history. Anything after the "black album" sounds like crap, for the most part imo

I'm probably a rarity in terms of Metallica fans. I love the old stuff and MOP is my favorite Metallica album. I think the tone was killer...for it's time. It was an ideal tone for that time period and the music they were making, but as a stand alone tone now 20 years later, I think it tends to very thin sounding compared to some of their later work.

I'm a fan of mids. I like to have mids in my tone, and a fairly decent helping of them. When you're scooping it out with an onboard EQ, running a parametric EQ to scoop out more, then EQ'ing the mics going in to take another chunk 8)

The tone on MOP is tight and punchy, but it's also thin compared to the later work. You can listen to the tone on "Battery," then listen to something like the first heavy riff come in on "The Outlaw Torn," and the tone definitely has more balls and weight to it. They started adding some more mids back in on the Black Album, but really took it another step starting on Load.
Hey man I'm just telling you what I heard from these ears. It's my opinion so here you go again.

Mark IV: Super tight, focused sound. Nothing can beat playing leads on a Mark IV. Extremely versatile.

Dual Rec: More of a loose sound. Great rhythm sounds but not much versatility. Leads are bleh.
fpoon said:
Hey man I'm just telling you what I heard from these ears. Could care less what anyone thinks and it's my opinion so here you go again.

Mark IV: Super tight, focused sound. Nothing can beat playing leads on a Mark IV. Extremely versatile.

Dual Rec: More of a loose sound. Great rhythm sounds but not much versatility. Leads are bleh.

Well, you obviously care what people think, you're duplicate posting the exact same thing you said above to get a point across... :wink:

But yeah, you're just supporting exactly what I was saying, that these types of threads are either usually full of misinformation or there's an obvious bias towards one amp when pople post (hence your note above). Those posts usually highlight the advantages of their favored amp and minimize the positives of the other while focusing on what they consider the "bad" qualities.
My .02:
I'm currently running a Mark IV and 2 ch Recto Rackmount into two separate Recto 2x12 cabs. I love both amps but the sound is bliss together. The Mark gives me that mid "in your face" sound and the Recto gives me the chest thumping lowend. If I want it really tight at lower volumes I hit both inputs with a Maxon OD808 (gain at 0). At higher volumes the maxon isn't needed. I've grown so used to running them together that I don't know if I could get used to just one or the other.
straitouttahell said:
As if it was a good thing.

It is to quite a few people, considering most modern high gain amps are made that way and Mark IV users seem to keep boosting those sliders for more of it. How many Mark users do you know that either cut the low end or leave those sliders flat for their heavy rhythm? Not many, if any.
Silverwulf said:
straitouttahell said:
As if it was a good thing.

It is to quite a few people, considering most modern high gain amps are made that way and Mark IV users seem to keep boosting those sliders for more of it. How many Mark users do you know that either cut the low end or leave those sliders flat for their heavy rhythm? Not many, if any.

Yeah, I know quite a few of those low-end-lovers guys, I see many of them gigging live almost any weekend. An earthquake with some treble on top of it. Quite often I can't even guess which tonality they're playing.

The same guys who go in the studio for recording and get something like -20dB attenuated below 120 Hz on their rhythm tracks by the engineer, then listen to the song and say "My amp kicks major asses, dude :twisted: " :lol:

If you like low frequencies, I wish you all the low frequencies you like and then some.

As per me, I have a bass player in the band, so that I can do the guitarist. Lows are bassist's business.

That's just my little opinion, but since everybody seem to crave more and more lows, I thought I'd just slide in and add a different taste to the salad.

EDIT: "Not many, if any". Here I am. When I had a Quad Pre, I used to keep the first slider flat. Now I own this tiny MkIV combo with an EVM speaker, and I admit I add some lows to it. The open back 1x12 cabinet needs some extra guts, but on the other hand I could finally get rid of that bulky Recto 4x12 cab. Way too boomy.
Haha, I didn't mean me personally. I hate the guys with too much low end. I prefer mids and definition (like mentioned above in my "Load" comments), just saying it's what most guys go for these days. On my Rectos, I'm running the bass around 10 o'clock, using a boost in front which has it's own high pass filter, and usually high pass all the guitars I record around 80hz. I can't stand too much low end, because I'm always preaching the same thing you mentioned above to others - "Let the bassist do his job."

But, people think the "modern" sound is to have their cab booming like bombs going off the whole time they're playing. I also dislike the guys with way too much gain, but that's a post for another day... :lol:
Silverwulf said:
But yeah, you're just supporting exactly what I was saying, that these types of threads are either usually full of misinformation or there's an obvious bias towards one amp when pople post (hence your note above).

Thing is, you would never have somebody else choose the lady you're going to marry for you, why would you do so for an amp?

straitouttahell said:
Thing is, you would never have somebody choose the lady who you're going to marry for you, why would you do so for an amp?


That's why I'm always preaching to take opinions with a cautious ear. Tone is so subjective that one man's trash truly is anothers treasure. One guy hears something as "boomy," the other hears it as "massive." One guys hears something as "brittle and shrill," another hears it as "punchy and full of attack." One guys hears something as "thick and full," another hears it as "middy and tubby." The only way to truly know is try it for yourself and let your ears decide.

Opinions are great to get, but it's like I mentioned above, you rarely find unbiased opinions on the 'net.
I always say.
"Opinions are like A$$holes, some are little more full of **** then others"

That being said, I have both a Mark IV and a bunch of recto's, I love both for different things and would never say one is better then the other. One may excell at a certain music style better then the other, but that does not mean it is better, just different.

Like Silver, I am the same way with my recto, base between 10 and 12, anything higher and it is just to much unless you are going for that wall of sound, sound.

Silverwulf said:
straitouttahell said:
Thing is, you would never have somebody choose the lady who you're going to marry for you, why would you do so for an amp?


That's why I'm always preaching to take opinions with a cautious ear. Tone is so subjective that one man's trash truly is anothers treasure. One guy hears something as "boomy," the other hears it as "massive." One guys hears something as "brittle and shrill," another hears it as "punchy and full of attack." One guys hears something as "thick and full," another hears it as "middy and tubby." The only way to truly know is try it for yourself and let your ears decide.

Opinions are great to get, but it's like I mentioned above, you rarely find unbiased opinions on the 'net.
It's always good to have two amps, or more for that matter. I love this Mark IV I got recently (even though its making me go deaf) and I get utter bliss out of it.

Some times I do feel like I need a lil Recto action, and for that (right now) I have a line 6 helping. Soon I'll get a Recto, but if I had to make the choice again I'd definitely go for the Mark IV because they'll be harder and harder to get in good condition as the time goes by. Not to mention when I took my Mark IV to get checked by a tech he smiled and said "the last decent amp Mesa made" and right next to him was a trip rec completely broken.
straitouttahell said:
Silverwulf said:
But yeah, you're just supporting exactly what I was saying, that these types of threads are either usually full of misinformation or there's an obvious bias towards one amp when pople post (hence your note above).

Thing is, you would never have somebody else choose the lady you're going to marry for you, why would you do so for an amp?


yeah but an amp is never going to make it burn when you pee and take all your money
fatoni said:
straitouttahell said:
Silverwulf said:
But yeah, you're just supporting exactly what I was saying, that these types of threads are either usually full of misinformation or there's an obvious bias towards one amp when pople post (hence your note above).

Thing is, you would never have somebody else choose the lady you're going to marry for you, why would you do so for an amp?


yeah but an amp is never going to make it burn when you pee and take all your money
Something tells me this is insight from a man who's been there :cry: :wink:

So totally sig worthy!

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