Mark IV vs LSS

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Active member
Mar 25, 2005
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Not sure wether this should be on Vintage or Modern Era, but here goes.

I have a LSS 1x12 and just managed to buy a relatively cheap Mark IV from ebay.

My quandry is this. Do I keep the LSS or sell it to pay for the Mark IV? Anybody here owned both either now or in the past? Did you keep both? If so, why/why not?

I think only you can answer this question. Here's what I would base my decision on:

1) Can you afford to pay for the Mark IV without selling the LSS? If the answer is yes...

2) Do you like the LSS? If the answer is yes...

3) Have you played through the Mark IV? Does it fill a need that your LSS doesn't? Or Vice versa? To wit, do you feel you need both amps?
Depends on a couple of different things....

1) (as mentioned above) can you afford both amps?
2) What type of tones do you need, or like?
3) You'll probably regret getting rid of it in the long run, I know I'm the KING of selling an old amp to get a new amp. :wink:

The Mark IV will do everything from cleans to metal, and the LSS will do cleans and semi-distortion/classic rock, but not metal or hard rock.
mkiv is alot more veritile
mkiv has ALOT more headroom than the lss

as tele_jas said, the mkiv can do vintage, and modern.
the lss can only do vintage

my vote goes for the mkiv, BUT, its not my ears!
play them both, but make sure you give them a fair chance.
you may not discover all the tones that are available in the first
few days.
Quite a quandry! I've been thinking about a MKIV for the last few months. I could only do it if I sold my LSC, which keeps sounding nicer all the time.

Let us know what you decide and what amde you decide one way or the other.
I have both. As different as night and day. Mark IV is so much more versatile. Huge clean headroom, Great searing leads, and just so, so much in between.

But the LSS has that EL84 tone that the Mark IV will not do. I know I'm not answering your question but if you play unmiked gigs the LSS will not cut it.

guess i need to play around with both amps for a while and then make the decision.

thanks for the advice.

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