Mark IV versus triaxis 2:90

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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2008
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Hi there people!

Im seriously thinking to trade my mark IV for
a triaxis setup, but I'm a little confused because
of its tone. I really want to know how close is the
tone of the triaxis compared to the mark, really, I don't
want to lose that markish tone! Thanx!
I used to have a Triaxis + 50/50, and when I got my Mark IV I sold the Triaxis rig. The Triaxis has a great tone, but the Mark sounds much more organic to my ears.

I do miss the ease of channel switching with the Triaxis during a live show, but that's not too difficult with a G-Major and the Mark's relay switching.

If it's a choice between the two, I'd keep the Mark.
Same Tri, 50/50 rig here. Not only does the Mark sound organic, it feels right between the both of them.
I sold my MKIV for a Triaxis/2:90 rig...

Loved it for a while then missed my MKIV. So i sold my Triaxis rig and got a new MKIV and have stayed that way for the last 12 years! The Triaxis rig does sound a little more 'digital' than the MKIV.

Hope that helps
Same situation here. I want Triaxis rig for JP sound on Rock Discipline which I can get with my Mark IV. But with you guys' comment, I think I'm gonna keep my MKIV. But anyway does anyone have good settings to get Rock Discipline tone?
Had both at one time Mark IV head and a Tri/290 both sound great, no surprise. But ended up selling the Tri/290. Came down to this the universal cry money, something had to go. But I love them both for different reasons. But indirectly I got advice from a friend of mine. He told me something I was doing and not even aware of it, any time we were doing something in the studio I always went for the Mark IV. And bottom line for me I just like the attack of the head a bit better, but there are times I do miss the Tri/290 setup but still don’t regret my decision!
Just a side note I do bounce around a bit with the Mark IV, always changing up the power section. Sometimes (4) 6L6’s and sometimes I go for the (2) 6L6’s (2) EL34’s and sometimes even the (4)6V6’s.
So it might not have 8 programmable modes but the Mark IV is super versatile.
badguitarist said:
Same situation here. I want Triaxis rig for JP sound on Rock Discipline which I can get with my Mark IV. But with you guys' comment, I think I'm gonna keep my MKIV. But anyway does anyone have good settings to get Rock Discipline tone?

You should be able to get something very similar with your Mark IV.
Random Hero said:
badguitarist said:
Same situation here. I want Triaxis rig for JP sound on Rock Discipline which I can get with my Mark IV. But with you guys' comment, I think I'm gonna keep my MKIV. But anyway does anyone have good settings to get Rock Discipline tone?

You should be able to get something very similar with your Mark IV.
yeah I got something very similar but it still has a little bite that I don't like. I feel like there's a "treble wall" on the background of the sound that I can not get rid of
badguitarist said:
Same situation here. I want Triaxis rig for JP sound on Rock Discipline which I can get with my Mark IV. But with you guys' comment, I think I'm gonna keep my MKIV. But anyway does anyone have good settings to get Rock Discipline tone?

Remember that JP's Triaxis has been modded. I never heard one sound as good as his does, especially on Rock Discipline (one of my favorite tones ever).

I really don't have any hands-on experience with either (save for playing a Triaxis once in a store probably 15 years ago), so I'm kind of talking out my *** here, but from the many, many clips I've heard of both, the Mark IV sounds better to me and much more organic. The Triaxis always seems to have this stiff, plasticy quality to the tone (Rock Discipline tone being an exception).