Mark IV - Version A Voicing

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Well-known member
Mar 27, 2007
Reaction score
WI, United States
This is like the 785238257892th auction I've seen advertising the Version A has having a superior sound to the revision B.

I thought that the general consensus was that the changes in voicing were SUBTLE, that A is slightly more agressive/iic+esque, B is smoother but with more gain on tap, but between the two it's purely a matter of preference? Or am I dreadfully wrong? :roll:

I'm really sick of people advertising something subjective as fact. It's misleading. :evil:
People will always do this because you cannot purchase the A anymore so therefore it 'must be better'

It has nothing to do with what reality is, it's marketing pure and simple.
It comes down to what you said; The difference in voicing is SUBTLE. But, anyone that is serious about buying a Mark IV would know the difference and that one is not necessarily better than the other. Or they might just think the seller is full of $h!t and find another.
I've played both and I think the MKIVB is better. All of my friends have commented that they like the sound of the B over the A as well but it doesn't really matter as long as you like your sound. Every amp is different including A's vs. A's!
phaboo said:
ytse_jam said:
it's just vintage fashion

It's a conspiracy! The Man made them change the voicing, so the original MUST BE BETTER!
"vintage" obsessioned will tell you serial#11,000 sounds way better than #11,001
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* a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty; "my opinion differs from yours";

Opinion is a person's ideas and thoughts towards something. It is an assessment, judgement or evaluation of something.

Don't be alarmed.......I've also heard that Coke Zero is better than Diet Coke,

and that Jefferson Airplane was better than Jefferson Starship. (think I might have said this one)

And....... life...... goes........

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