Mark IV tube replacement suggestions?

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Well-known member
Apr 7, 2008
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Boston MA
Hey, I've been a guitarist for about 5 years now, Owned various tube amps but don't necessarily know much about the tubes themselves. I use a Mark IV medium head with a 2X12 Mesa cabinet, and I was just wondering about trying out a new sound. I play pretty much mostly metal, Prog metal like DT of course. I like aggressive rhythm with creamy lead sounds. If anyone would like to share some information with any major down differences tubes can offer, and what tubes specifically do that I would love to learn about it. I know I sound like a bit of a n3wb, but I've got to learn somehow. Thanks.
PS: Does anyone know what tubes JP uses? I can't seem to find it.

Prepare for the onslaught of opinion!
I think speaker changes will have a more immediate and obvious affect. So will new strings, for that matter.
There's no right answer. It ultimately boils down to what sounds good to YOU.
Right now I"m using Black shadow 12's and I like the sound of those. I hear that the Cel's V30 have a creamier sound, smoother that is... Is this true? Favorte speakers in your opinion?
Here's my opinion, I much prefer the V30s with the Mark IV than the MC90

I love GT 6L6GE tubes for the power section.. they've got a great vacuum and they're rounded and punchy in all the right places. I also use a 2x12 recto cab loaded with V30s.

You'll find someone who disagrees completely I'm sure so find what works for you :)
I don't play a lot of metal, but I like the EVM 12L. So does Mr. Z. Wylde. At 200 watts, you can't break 'em. Tons of bottom and clarity.
I think two V30s in a 2 x 12 cab would sound a bit "creamier" than the stock Boogie C90 Black Shadows. The Boogie speakers sound harsher, but that's me.
Remember, too, the V30s are 60 watts, the Boogies are 90. Part of the "creamy" sound is over-driving the speaker, 'cause the top end gets rounded off.
You can see from pics on his website that he uses std M/B power tubes : EL34's on the outside 6L6's on the inside. As for the preamp tubes I would guess M/B too. The 4x12 cabs he uses would make a difference over a 2x12 too.
Winged =C= 6L6 for me. I tried them against TADs and (newer) stock Boogie tubes and preferred them. More bottom end and balls. The TADS were VERY clear on the borderline of being harsh. The Mesa Tubes were just Sterile sounding by comparison.

Curious about 6V6 though, read lots of great things about them and a Mark IV.

Haven't tried EL34's in the outer sockets yet though I should. I'd imagine it would give more mids, but I feel the mark is kinda mid heavy to start with.

Mix up the Preamp tubes too. I have the NS mullard RI, Penta, Tung Sol, JJ 803s and Sovtek LPS (I think?) in mine.

Haven't tried much in speakers yet either...V30's mainly so far which sound pretty cool.

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