Mark IV SUCKS!!!

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Well those people dont know how to set that amp up or have bad ears because all of the ones I've heard sound amazing. The one I played sounded great too at low volumes. It better not suck I'm in the process of buying one as we speak :p lol. To each his own I guess.
I love mine and always will !!! It sounds awesome, has std Boogie tubes in it, which are great, I like the convenience of the fixed bias too..............oh yeah and the fan !!!! :lol:
This news to me. I love the Mark IV and it seems to have regained some increased popularity over the past 14 months.

Here are all of the Mark IV clips I have recorded in the past year . Even with looming rumors of a Mark V I have no intention of selling the Mark IV. Unless it offers a gigantic leap in terms of features and tone over the IV I won't even entertain the idea of purchasing. I'm very happy with what the IV gives me.
I dunno, just more and more "Problems with Mark IV" etc etc.

I know this a "Halp!" board, but I just keep seeing more and more people unhappy with it.

Dunno why, I love mine :)
gibson5413 said:
This news to me. I love the Mark IV and it seems to have regained some increased popularity over the past 14 months.

Here are all of the Mark IV clips I have recorded in the past year . Even with looming rumors of a Mark V I have no intention of selling the Mark IV. Unless it offers a gigantic leap in terms of features and tone over the IV I won't even entertain the idea of purchasing. I'm very happy with what the IV gives me.

Your clips sound awesome! I almost sold one of my MKIV's to get a Lonestar or just something different and couldn't do it. I love the Mark series amps. I'm keeping both my IV's. They sound great with Boogie tubes to me. At least the power tubes. Haven't liked their preamp tubes much.
It just seems to go in cycles around here.

"I love the MK IV"
"Me too"
"What a great lead channel"

"I hate the Mk IV"
"Me too"
"Rhy2 SUCKS!"

ad infintum
Herbie the Rad Dorklift said:
Just seems to be the way people think now? :?

Only if you put too much stock in internet heresy and bullshit like disliking the Mark IV because it doesn't have a variable bias pot.
My MKIV is still the best amp I've ever owned. I don't believe I'll ever sell mine.
Different strokes, etc.
Although... it sure seems like there are more IVs for sale here and elsewhere now that the rumors of a "Mark V" are rampant, not to mention the narrow head/combo being discontinued.
I know what you mean. All these threads are driving me nuts. They just don't know how to unleash the's too bad really cause mine always roars 8)
The adjustable bias thing IMO has its merits. The rest of the complaints were due to plain ignorance.
trem said:
The adjustable bias thing IMO has its merits. The rest of the complaints were due to plain ignorance.

I retube and set the TSL100 at 86 per pair (dcmilvolts) and on occasion have hit it less/more and really don't hear much change because it ..well after all...does have a few knobs....

RE: Mark IV:
I'm not too sure adj. bias has its merit given the plethora of knobs.... LOL
I do not have one. I may when they start getting dumped for the next leatest/greatest by a few like minded as the OP.
GIG4FUN said:
I retube and set the TSL100 at 86 per pair (dcmilvolts) and on occasion have hit it less/more and really don't hear much change because it ..well after all...does have a few knobs....

RE: Mark IV:
I'm not too sure adj. bias has its merit given the plethora of knobs.... LOL
I do not have one. I may when they start getting dumped for the next leatest/greatest by a few like minded as the OP.
Nah, the number of knobs does not correlate to how it reacts to different tubes and bias. Try setting your TSL100's bias to non-optimal setting and you should hear a difference.
trem said:
GIG4FUN said:
I retube and set the TSL100 at 86 per pair (dcmilvolts) and on occasion have hit it less/more and really don't hear much change because it ..well after all...does have a few knobs....

RE: Mark IV:
I'm not too sure adj. bias has its merit given the plethora of knobs.... LOL
I do not have one. I may when they start getting dumped for the next leatest/greatest by a few like minded as the OP.
Nah, the number of knobs does not correlate to how it reacts to different tubes and bias. Try setting your TSL100's bias to non-optimal setting and you should hear a difference.
ok, it may be a while. I have 5 hours on the tubes now and really not sitting on free/experimental type of time right now.
Could it be said then that the Mark IV is sitting at non-optimal settings with tubes that are not bought from Mesa? Is that the rub? BUT they sound/react as meant to be by design if the proper replacement tubes are used?