Mark IV Rhy II and Lead - Why pull shift?

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Well-known member
Oct 9, 2008
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Have had and loved my Mark IV since about 94 or 5. Probably 1,000 gigs or close to it.

I think the amp has plenty of mids on its own. With the pull shift pulled, I hear that nasally sound Mark haters talk about. Pushing it in, the amp comes to life with plenty of highs and lows.

I run the Rhy II gain usually around 9 - pulled thick. The lead gains around 8. Both masters around 4 - so clearly, plenty of gain. Treble in the 7-9 range -mids around 4 and bass around 3.5 or 4. I use each as a rhythm sound. Kick in the EQ for a lead boost (soft V).

Can't really see using the amp any other way. So tell me something new about this fine amp.

Why do so many guys prefer the presence knob pulled? I don't get it.
good question. I guess they just want a scooped sound. I just saw a pic of someone's boogie in some other forum and it was similar to an old friend many years ago in the 90s: graphic sliders all teh way on top for the two outer sliders, and the three middle ones ALL THE WAY DOWN, I **** you not. Even when I was into scooping before that era, I never did it that much. That's like MEGA SCOOPED. But you also are at the opposite end of teh spectrum, you only use the graphic for lead boosts. I could never do that. It's always engaged for me. But I hate the pull shift presence too. On another note, I was having second thoughts about the pull bright on the lead drive, but a change in speakers, and presto, I'll never not pull out again.
eet fuk said:
good question. I guess they just want a scooped sound. I just saw a pic of someone's boogie in some other forum and it was similar to an old friend many years ago in the 90s: graphic sliders all teh way on top for the two outer sliders, and the three middle ones ALL THE WAY DOWN, I sh!t you not. Even when I was into scooping before that era, I never did it that much. That's like MEGA SCOOPED. But you also are at the opposite end of teh spectrum, you only use the graphic for lead boosts. I could never do that. It's always engaged for me. But I hate the pull shift presence too. On another note, I was having second thoughts about the pull bright on the lead drive, but a change in speakers, and presto, I'll never not pull out again.

Speaker change from what to what?
The manual says something like with the pull shift for R2 engaged, the presence control will be more effective and act on a higher range of frequencies. With the Shift pushed in, a punchier more aggressive tone is produced and the presence control's effectiveness is reduced.

I like the PULL FAT for R2 so the Pull shift helps the EQ and gain, (to my ears), sounds more open and less muddy.

im not a fan of the pull shift for the presence of RHYII and LEAD

i also dont fancy the pull bright on the RHYI gain

pull fat and bright for lead is great
same with pull fat for RHYII
i agree for the most part, but when you use the pull shifts, you have to change the rest of your amps settings to can easily get some tones that are pleasing to the ear with them out...that being said, all 3 of mine are always IN for the band I play with.
dodger916 said:
Speaker change from what to what?

Heh, a frankencab. A 75, a v30, a cl80, and a k100, all in the same cab. I don't like 75s, but my sm57 does. K100 offsets the 75 scoop, cl80 offsets the 30 harshness. I mostly hear the k100 in the setup, and I don't mind that one bit. Plus I like the 75/cl80 miked up combo too. I want to do another franky someday with 75, greenback, h30, and the new 65. Then explore the differences with mesa's v30 and c90, then blah blah blah, gas gas, tehn blah... you know the story. :lol:
oh yeah, starting from all marshall v30s. It's no wonder why guys with marshalls and peaveys turn the treble and presence down with all 30s.
Ok, so I was playing last night and got the amp to a pretty loud gig volume. Pulled shift on Rhy 2 and Lead and turned up the master on each channel to compensate for volume drop .... not too bad ... or not as bad (honky) as I remember.

Still will have to try it in a band situation with the 2X12 recto. Learn something new every day...