Mark IV Pull Shift

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Well-known member
Aug 24, 2009
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I must admit, I was not into the pull shifts when I first got this head. But a few weeks ago, I pulled it out for the R2 and, you know what? I really dig that tone. I had to play for a bit, but I really dig the responsiveness I get with it. Lately I've been playing more classic rock stuff and it is giving me the tone I've been looking for. Just enough sear and sizzle, but focused mid and treble. It really brightened up the "darkness" I had become accustomed to in R2.I've actually backed down the prescence and treble as well. It's pulled now too on my Lead channel as well.

Any other pull shift fans out there?
I went the other way around. Used the pull shift on r2 and lead from day one. Now two years later I'm loving the push shift.
Count me in as a pull shift fan...i almost got rid of my mark 4, couldn't find the tone that i was looking for, then i consulted the MANUAL for sample settings, tried the pull shift + GEQ, now i really dig the mark 4. For solo boost, i just placed a compressor in the loop for boost purposes. It serves the purposes of getting good tone.
Love it for R2. Hate it for Lead; takes away some of the balls.

That's just how I run mine. I use Class A with EL34's, Triode and Pull Fat and Pull Shift in R2. Oh and of course with my 81 LP Heritage.

I recently discovered pull shift on the lead channel. This in simul/triode/tweed, with pull fat is as good a gas cure as any I've ever used. :lol:
I'll use the pull shift on occasion depending on the room. If I need some of the higher frequencies to cut through. If I do use the pulls shift, I tend to roll back on the presence. Otherwise it tends to get a bit buzzy for me.
I'm a pullshift fan as well on both the R2 and Lead channel. It definitely gives channel 3 a brighter tone when the lead gain is pulled. It seems to cut through a mix better this way. Otherwise, its a bit muddy.
I always been a pull shift user in R2 for higher gain setting, but I noticed that when you are on the stage in axe with the speaker it sound harsh... so I converted the R2 in Push shift for "Neil Young's" sounds... on LD I always use Fat Shift and Mid Gain.
I found out Pull Shift amazing with Recto 2x12 cab.

Really impressed because of highs' roundness, focused mid/treble. A balanced huge sound.

A "nutella" sound :D
I really like the sound of the pull shift on the Lead channel. I never used it in the past, but now that my playing has gone in a less aggressive direction, it's beneficial. Tweed/Pentode/Class A with the pull shift offers a pretty nice lead tone, at least to my ears.
Last weekend I put EL34's in my marky for the 1st time on stage.

Perhaps this weekend I'll give pull shift a little go around.

Amazing how single threads in this forum can span YEARS.