Mark IV: officially went from like to LOVE!!!

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Well-known member
Mar 10, 2010
Reaction score
I LOVE this amp! I'm really happy with the tone coming from my speakers lately. :)

I haven't strayed too far from the settings I dialed in on about day 2 or 3 (had a pretty good idea where I was going from the start), but now I'm fine tuning and getting channel 2 where I want it.

The sounds are just amazing...breathing, soulful, singing, and Ive said this before, but it's almost like there's an organ ringing out behind the notes on the lead channel.
With just a touch of verb, and an analog delay in the loop I'm in lead tone heaven!

My main axe is my '86 G&L Invader with an 80s JB. It's an Alder body, maple neck, and ebony board, so it's quite snappy and bright. Because of this, I dial my graphic EQ a bit different than the typical "V" that most people seem to use.
I dial in a bit more low mids and mids, and a little less upper mids. 6600 slider is just a hair above middle line (flat) because of how bright my guitar is.

These settings have a sweet and structured quality and bring out a woody knock from my recto 212. I may try mixing a C90 just to try it, but it sounds great through the V30s.

Got past my channel 2 issues too:) I didn't like the shared bass on ch 1&2 because 1 needs some low end to sound full, and 2 farts out with almost any lows. So, I found a middle ground and then kicked on my Lovepedal Eternity and/or BB+ and it took just enough of those rumbly lows away. Instant useable (and quite nice) crunch tones! Just tonight I was experimenting with backing off even more low end on 1&2 and just keeping my graphic on across all channels. Sounded great! Also I pull the presence on ch 2.

Other cool little tricks I'm picking up on are things like the Lead Drive; when pulled, it acts very much like a pedal/clean boost, but with a more natural character.
Also, the Mid Gainsetting is awesome to rip some gooey leads on, but for me the Harmonics setting is where it's at! Chords sparkle and breathe and every note can be heard. Love this amp. REALLY hope I'm never dumb or gassy enough to sell this one.
I can't wait to score one. All these threads I've read makes it sound awesome.

I started lovin' my new Recto 2x12 along with MARK IV since I pulled presence both on RHY2 and LEAD channel :D

SIMUL-PENTODE - MID gain, output level 3 -> AWESOME mid-focused tone, those V30's sparkling highs finally decrease, even offering gain's sustain and mix presencing.

Closer to my most favourite Petrucci's tone, within the Liquid Tension Experiment 8)

I previously tweaked settings with pushed presence and I found out a bit harsh and less focused (w/V30).

Further, w/Classic Lead 80 speaker (1x12) was quite the opposite, preferring pushed presence.
I just mixed a G12-80 and a old Sheffield 1230 from storage (neither that had seen much mileage) in my schlep 2x12 and it turned out AMAZING. Those Classic 80's and Seventy/80's actually sound awesome with our Mesa's once you get em dialed. I had no idea I could actually use my presence knob again!
glassjaw7 said:
Got past my channel 2 issues too:) I didn't like the shared bass on ch 1&2 because 1 needs some low end to sound full, and 2 farts out with almost any lows. So, I found a middle ground and then kicked on my Lovepedal Eternity and/or BB+ and it took just enough of those rumbly lows away. Instant useable (and quite nice) crunch tones! Just tonight I was experimenting with backing off even more low end on 1&2 and just keeping my graphic on across all channels. Sounded great! Also I pull the presence on ch 2.

Other cool little tricks I'm picking up on are things like the Lead Drive; when pulled, it acts very much like a pedal/clean boost, but with a more natural character.
Also, the Mid Gainsetting is awesome to rip some gooey leads on, but for me the Harmonics setting is where it's at! Chords sparkle and breathe and every note can be heard. Love this amp. REALLY hope I'm never dumb or gassy enough to sell this one.

Nice, thanks for those tips, since I'm just getting introduced to mine. I'm thinking my Astrotone might do the trick as a boost with channel 2 because the tone knob can really thin out the bass nicely when needed.
As I predicted, the Astrotone works like a charm with channel 2 - just turn the tone knob to about 2:00-3:00 and it tightens it right up. It does great with 1&3 as well. Definitely would recommend it if you want something that will do boost, od, and fuzz (and does them all amazingly).

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