Mark IV Mode... No Balls?

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Well-known member
Jun 17, 2009
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I love the saturation of the Mark IV mode. But it doesn't seem to have any balls. The Extreme Mode is the other way around... huge, powerful low end with plenty of meat, but it doesn't have the great saturation of the Mark IV mode. When I turn up the bass pot, it gets flubby. When I use the low sliders, I loose definition.

What do you guys do?
When I want more balls from my Ch 3 I just change guitars and use my Jem with Dimarzio Breed pups. That seems to give it too much balls in my opinion.
I turn my channel bass to about 8:30 then turn treble to around 11:00 then turn up the presence past 1:00. Tightens things up considerably and let's the bass comeout more. If its too bright then turn down the hi-end slider to about half. Works for me!
-shrug- Mark IV mode sounds plenty ballsy to me. Where are your mids at? (channel mids, not the GEQ mids)
Crunch with a boost is a ballsy sound. Im going back and forth with that and MIV for leads for the creamy saturation.
spawnofthesith said:
-shrug- Mark IV mode sounds plenty ballsy to me. Where are your mids at? (channel mids, not the GEQ mids)

the mid tone control + the low mid and mid sliders actually bring the balls, i think, cause that's where the majority of power chords and the voicing of the guitar sit. also depends on your speaker. a v30 will be high/harsh, but may lack chunk due to the frequency sweep. whereas a c90 or evm12l may be more willing to bring the heavier, low tones.

from what i've messed with, you can't do the super scoop with the v that you could with the iv. the voicing is just slightly different for the geq, not to mention the power amp design. i think the bass is also not quite as tight for the v, but maybe that's just me.
ryjan said:
+1 on the mids. The more my ear develops, the higher the 750 slider goes.
heh. i was messing this weekend and pushing the 2200 on the iic+ and iv, to me, sounded like you could get it back to sounded like classic metal (randy rhoads, etc.), though not quite as saturated as the cascaded marshall tone.

but yeah, if you want your leads hot, the mids are where it's at. just don't overdo it on a v30 or your eyes will bleed :p
Shaner30 said:
Crunch with a boost is a ballsy sound. Im going back and forth with that and MIV for leads for the creamy saturation.


I spend a ton of time in Ch2 Crunch mode with my Fulltone OCD running clean boost. The boost really opens the sound up. It is now my preferred choice for rhythm...and yeah's got a nice ballsy sound.
DrummerChas said:

I spend a ton of time in Ch2 Crunch mode with my Fulltone OCD running clean boost. The boost really opens the sound up. It is now my preferred choice for rhythm...and yeah's got a nice ballsy sound.

Yep, same here.
I've found 'Mk IV' mode to be plenty ballsy. I don't use it very often thoug as I much prefer the 'Extreme' mode. As others have posted mids are where it's at.
spawnofthesith said:
-shrug- Mark IV mode sounds plenty ballsy to me. Where are your mids at? (channel mids, not the GEQ mids)

Seriously, just try diming the mid knob on channel 3, and then setting the other controls around it. You can add a lot of aggression and fullness that way. The only downside is that it makes the amp feel a little more stiff.
Maybe it is my speakers? I use V30's and I have been struggling with them sence day 1.

I just dont know of a cab that is the answer. I know a 1x12 will not cut it. Mesa's 4x12 is just V30's again. I have considered going with a 2x12 with G100K's but no one has tried them with the Mark V so I dont know what to expect.

I have also considered the Deliverance 2x12 with Eminance 50 watters, but again I cant find anyone that has tired them with the Mark V.
Well I'm now using a pair of 1x12" with G12K100. I'm letting aside a 2x12" with CL80 for this. I've been using those GK for about 2 months now. They have more bass and overall a bit darker. They are not harsh at all BUT you loose a bit of sparkle if that's what you are looking for. The GK are also more middy. In the end I asked the other bandmates and said they liked the GK better. I wish I could try an EV12M but that will probably never happen. Oh! I'm using EL34 also.
I'm getting a Thiele cab with a vintage EVM 12L speaker (200 watts) in a few days, to add to my combo. Supposedly these little cabs sound huge, and supposedly the C90 speakers in the new Mesa Thieles don't sound quite as huge. I'll let you know how it goes.
I'm sure people are sick of hearing about it, but Port City cabinets! I have been using my OS 2x12 with my Mark V for the past couple of weeks and it sounds better every time I play it. I am using 2 Eminence Cannabis Rex speakers and I am able to turn my treble/presence up a good ways higher than with the V30's I owned and it not get ear piercing or shrill sounding. Just makes the Mark V that much more versatile when you are able to use the knobs to their fullest extent instead of having to stop at 1-2 oclock cause it sounds too trebly and shrill after that. I usually keep my treble around 1 or 2 oclock and turn the presence up to 2 as well for a good lead tone which would be pretty ear piercing using V30 speakers. And fyi, I'm just a bedroom player... don't gig or anything like that so I don't know how it would sound in a band situation nor does it matter cause it sounds amazing in my room. 8)
Hendog said:
Maybe it is my speakers? I use V30's and I have been struggling with them sence day 1.

I just dont know of a cab that is the answer. I know a 1x12 will not cut it. Mesa's 4x12 is just V30's again. I have considered going with a 2x12 with G100K's but no one has tried them with the Mark V so I dont know what to expect.

I have also considered the Deliverance 2x12 with Eminance 50 watters, but again I cant find anyone that has tired them with the Mark V.

Try the C90's!!!

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