Mark IV Head & G-Major - Reverb Problem

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Mark IX

Active member
Apr 6, 2006
Reaction score
Hi There,

someone knows and has tested if is possible to switch on/off the reverb of my Mark IV Head connecting a mono cable from the G-Major switch to the reverb external switch whitout damage it :?

I guess I cannot say with absolute certainty that you will not do any damage, I am not a tech. But I really do not see any reason why this would not work without a problem.

I have a Mark IV and a GMajor. I know the setup you are talking about and I think it should be ok.

I think the only real problems where using the Y spliiter (stereo output from the GMajor) and doing channel switching because of the common ground at that point.
Thanks...but I'd to heare an answer from someone that test is first...I'm very scared of damage something :(
The only problem is that I live in Italy but...looks like the only solution :D
If it is any consolation, odds are you will leave a message and they will call back, so it shouldn't be too expensive.

You could also try contacting TC Electronics, they seem to have provided decent information on this topic and have talked to Mesa about at least the channel switching side of this issue. They have an electronic forum for support.
Yes, it will work. It's just a momentary relay switch. So you can use the T.C. to turn your reverb on and off. The bigger question is why are you using the amps reverb when you have the G-Major?!!? :shock:
Thanks but...have you ever tested it?

About the reverb:

I don't like reverb at all , specially on distorted sound in live situation, (I play in small to medium club where there is a lot of natural reverb, a big reverb can be fantastic to my ear, because i'm near to the speaker...but to the listner ears, sometime is a complete mess) on clean sound I like to use the mark 4 spring reverb setted to 3, I use the g-major reverb only on particular sound, pad like sound etc. but for clean funky or blues stuff I prefer the mark 4 reverb, I feel it more natural
I'm another G-Major + Mark IV owner and fan and I can tell you that on distortion, make the reverb mix around 10-14%. Even sometimes it gives a lot of verb, but obviously if you're using delay, either make the delay stronger and weaken the verb, or vise versa because that delay really adds in some reverb. But most importantly, it should work with the reverb switch, but I would also call Mesa about it becuase I'm also very cautious with equipment.

Sorry to change the topic with this, but I have not opened my two y-Splitter cables yet because I want confirmation that it's safe/harmful to the Mark IV. Can someone please put some insight on this? I'm aware of the common ground but I've heard mixed views of it being safe or harmful. If I have to, I'll spend the $150 or the $190 and get the CFX 4 with the Mark IV custom cable becuase I would rather spend extra money and have confidence of no harm via the relay switches than get screwed over.
The link to the TC site with their statement is:**&p_li=&p_topview=1

Although they say it works, I found it caused a pop when changing channels, like there was a split second where there was more than one channel so I went with the Axess Electronics route and was much happier. For just switching on/off reverb with a single mono cable I really do not see how this could be a problem.
tim6string said:
The link to the TC site with their statement is:**&p_li=&p_topview=1

Although they say it works, I found it caused a pop when changing channels, like there was a split second where there was more than one channel so I went with the Axess Electronics route and was much happier. For just switching on/off reverb with a single mono cable I really do not see how this could be a problem.

Yeah, because I've read that a lot of times and although it says that it works, they don't say if it damages the amp. Then I've heard from other people that it works fine, but as you said I've also heard about the popping.

Personally, I just wanted that info to be completely confirmed by experienced owners, and will be saved by Mario.

How can a momentary contact relay damage your amp?!!? I don't see what you're worried about. It's a tip to gground switch. It simply send a short signal to your amp, which in turn shuts your reverb off... or turns it own. If you're really that worried about it, call boogie and order a footswitch. They'll be happy to sell you one.

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