Mark IV Combo - Compact VS. Widebody

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Well-known member
Aug 4, 2006
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NW Indiana, USA
OK, I'm hell bent on getting a Mark IV and should have the dough in a couple weeks. I'm not sure if I should get the compact or the widebody combo. I'v only had the chance to play the compact with c90, which I dug. I am concerned about the weight a bit, but I think I can hadle it, especially if it has casters.

How much heavier is the widebody? Also, is the widebody's bass response loose or tight or just fuller sounding?

Has anybody had both versions of the combo? If so, could you compare the two? Thanks.
i've got the normal one and my buddy has the widebody. aside from being considerably lighter, the wide one was a bit more open and airy sounding. it also had a different speaker, so it's hard to do a direct comparison. i prefer the tighter punch of the smaller one, either way, even if it weighs eleventy pounds
Get the head and 1x12 Theile cab.

The combo weighs a ton in either format and does not sound as good.
mangley said:
Get the head and 1x12 Theile cab.

The combo weighs a ton in either format and does not sound as good.

Good suggestion!! If you 100% want the combo, I would get the widebody. It is a few inches wider, but it will sound better. I think something lacks in the 19" wide small cab.

I was in the same dilemma a while back. I found a near new widebody combo and think it sounds great. I think the eq and ability to manipulate the tone to just about whatever you want make it a good choice in either configuration.

One of these days I plan to pick up a 1x12 extension speaker - until then I am happy.

Good luck
The tone of each is a little different even with different speakers. I would suggest that you get the compact 19" combo only because you will have the option later of rackmounting it if you so desire. I have the A version in a short chassis. I have had it in the head and in the combo cabinet. I own a rackmount but I haven't completely sold myself to return to a rack setup. The 19" head is certainly getting more versatility out of even the mounting options.
I forgot to mention that I like the sound of it with an EVM in a Thiele style cabinet with a 4x12 of greenbacks foregoing the combo speaker altogether. I should probably go back to the head cabinet or rackmount though the EVM in the combo faithfully reproduces the Mark IV's output.