Mark III or F series?

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I want a good clean channel, fender like. I tried a recto and really didn't like the clean. For rhythm, I want it to be more marshall like. Think warren haynes but more modern. For my lead sound I like more gain but not total saturation. Here's where I want it to very modern, like petrucci. I've heard great sounds from F 50's, but I've also heeard good things about the Mark III. What do you guys think will be a better choice?

Also, what about the nomad? I've seen a few on ebay but I haven't heard anything about them.
I'd say play them both obviously but I think you might be more at home with the F series.. amazing cleans all the way up to recto-ish distortion... as far as 'marshall like' I think the only amp you'll find in the Mesa lineup that nails that would be the stiletto series.
Izzle said:
I want a good clean channel, fender like. I tried a recto and really didn't like the clean. For rhythm, I want it to be more marshall like. Think warren haynes but more modern. For my lead sound I like more gain but not total saturation. Here's where I want it to very modern, like petrucci. I've heard great sounds from F 50's, but I've also heeard good things about the Mark III. What do you guys think will be a better choice?

Also, what about the nomad? I've seen a few on ebay but I haven't heard anything about them.

I too suggest the Stiletto for the marshall type sounds you are after . I love mine .
The stiletto's seem nice, but price constraints are pushing me towards a used F-50.
Can somone point out some specific differences in the two amps sounds? The F series seems to the winner for cleans but how does the distortion compare to a mark III?
Hi there. I never tried an F-50 before, but I played a black stripe Mark III for quite a bit. It has gobs of gain, it's loud and very articulate. If anything, this amp is made for lead guitarist. The clean is good too, but the reverb is kinda weak (do not believe their manual imo).

I've heard a clip of a Mark III in which the guy played some very convincing Marshally whitesnake stuff, and some beautiful clean sounds as well. I couldn't remember where I got it. If you want, pm me your email so I can send it over to you.

check out the nomad series, particularly the 45 and 55 watters for cleans and marshall 50 watt tone. i just got a nomad 55watt 2x12 combo and in my opinion it would be perfect for what your lookin for because i was looking for something similar. the cleans are fenderlike, the middle channel can dial in marshall tones and the third channel can be hi-gain marshall to pushing close to rectoish tone...i own a triple recto also so i can do a side by side comparison. this amp is discontinued and tends to be overlooked. i never thought about picking one of these until i got a great deal on one and played it for a is extremly versitile and i would buy another one in a heartbeat should i lose it somehow. a few things to consider before buying one is to find out when it was made cause the first run had pot issues. also, dialing in tone on this is different from most amps so you really have to work it...again, i've owned a triple for five years so i am used to dialing in these types of amps therefore this was not a problem for me. one other some the reverb is a let down when cmopared to others...however, imo it gets the job done and the option of reverb alone makes it all the more versatile. good luck with the search. peece.