Mark III Midi Switching with GCX/GCP

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Jul 16, 2008
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South Carolina
Hey guys, first post!

I know a lot of this beginner midi talk is probably old hat among the more experienced guys but I wasn't having a whole lot of luck with the searching I was doing so I'll just go right ahead and spill it here in hopes someone's got the time to help me out...

At the house I've been enjoying the switching abilities of my Valvetronix (AD60VTX) combo. Not very impressive, I know, BUT, luckily that's not the end of it. I've got a Mark III Red Stripe ('87 I think) which I like a lot. Ideally I'd like to replace the Valvetronix with the Mark III but keep the switching capabilities....MIDI saves the day, right? Well, if I can hammer out a few of the details I may just take the leap.

I've been dragging my feet for a long time, but lately I've been entertaining the idea of actually going forward with the GCX/GCP setup. I happen to be at the point where I've let a lot of gear go and have the funds to actually go after everything all at once if I wanted to--hence me considering this now more seriously.

Will the Mark III work alright in that type of setup as far as the channel switching goes? I don't use the Rh2 channel so I'd just want the Rh/Lead (A/B) capabilities. Fundamentally I enjoy setting up an amp tone I like and just going with that. I could use boost pedals if desired for a slightly different lead sound or something. No problem there. I've always been a bit unsure though of one thing...does the midi switching system take into account what channel you're already on when it sends patch change commands? If I'm on Rh1 and want to go to Lead it switches channels. If I'm already on Lead and want to go to a Lead/Delay preset, the "system" will know that I'm already on the Lead channel and it won't change that right? It just seemed to a layman that the simple switching of the Mark III might make it different from say the Mark IV with its unique controller connection. If it was a problem, I'm sure I would've heard someone complain.

I'm new to the world of midi controllers but I see so many around I get the feeling they can't be hard to handle or set up on a basic level so I'd really like to get sorted out what all I should expect to have to obtain beyond the GCX/GCP and the Rack itself.

Anyone has any suggestions on the best way to control Echo/Delay effects in the FX Loop? The first "effect" I'd address would definitely be the addition of a little ambient color for a lead sound. All the GCX stuff would be between the guitar and preamp, correct? (Boost Pedal or two, maybe a Phase 90). Would I have to rely on a piece of dedicated rack gear for the FX loop echo? If so, is there a slightly less expensive alternative to the 2290? If there was a relatively affordable unit which I could steal some echo/delay (and maybe even some chorus) from, I'd love that. Doesn't have to be cheap, just a little more affordable than the pro-level 2290.

I've heard great things about the TC G-Force as an all encompassing unit, would that be relatively easy to integrate into a Mark III setup? Maybe that would be a better alternative. Just a thought.

All the help and suggestions are greatly appreciated!
I use a Ground Control (old one, not 'pro') and a GCX with a red stripe Mark III. It works fine. I use 4 of the 8 loops from the GCX to control changes from rhythm to lead, R2 to whatever, EQ on or off, and reverb.

The Ground Control pedal is simple to program also controls a rack effects unit that's in the loop (though I rarely use it), this takes another loop in the GCX, because I like it completely out of the signal path when not in use. (send from MkIII loop into loop on GCX and back again)

I could easily use the 3 remaining loops for other things, like pedals, send to another amp....etc...

Midi switching systems are great, and extremely flexible offering many possibilities. Other companies have gear that looks great as well, like this

Setting time-based effects in a loop is an art in itself (if it isn't a waste of time :p), so I'll bow out on that.