MARK III metal sound questions!!!

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Aug 3, 2008
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Im about to switch from rectifier to a mark III blue stripe simulclass..getting it in about 2 weeks!

And i have read about every thread which involves the mark III,
and also of course the user manual mesa
but there is still one thing i havent understand.

All these metal sounds and clips that is described here on the boogie board with settings...for example flemming rasmussens MOP AND AJFA settings..
IN WHICH CHANNEL are they supposed to be dialed in generally??????

the rhythm 2 or the lead channel??????????

also... are there any led lights(or else) on this amp which tells you what channel that is choosen??
they are the settings of the lead channel of the Mark 2c+ but the mark 3 will get you there
there are no leds on the ap but there is an led in each foot switch to let you know what channel you are in
OK.... so it's the lead channel everybody is refering to in matter of the crunchy metallica sound.
what about the rhytm 2 then, is't like the rectifiers pushed mode in the clean channel????

Also another thing i started thinkin of...which tube setup for that metallica crunch in a mark III simulclass...2*el34+2*6l6 OR 4*6l6?
Dude a great example of mk III blue/simlu lead channel crunch!!

It can get tight or looser than that too..

The best metal amp around..
thanks for your answers..
About the tube combination in the powerstage then...straigth 6l6 or mixed up with el 34's?
rhythm 2 is more like a marshall mode half dirty ac dc tone
as for power section definitely 6l6 and el34s.
my settings for metallica crunch
vol 7
treble 8.5 pulled
bass 1
middle 1.5
master 2.5 pulled
lead drive 7 pulled
lead master 6
mark 3 graphic
80hz just above centre line
240 hz just under centre line
750 hz on bottom line
2200hz below centre line
6600hz just above centre line
also going into a 31 band eq removing mids between 500hz and 1000hz
Hi Noticed this thread and I too am curious on others various settings for the 'lethal' metal sound ..I'm running a Boogie Mark III (red stripe) simu class with graphic has recent new tubes (JJ's) and biased..less than 40 hours on them..
Guitars are Gibson Flying 'V's with Duncan Jazz / JB 4s
Fender Strat with Duncan Hot Rails
Jackson Kelly with Duncan Jazz & Duncan Custom
Custom 'V' with Duncan Jazz and Duncan Distortion

vol 8+
treble 7 pulled
bass 2.5 - 3
middle 2
master 2.0 pulled
lead drive 7 pulled
lead master 6
presence 8+

I'm trying to get more of as Godsmack / Disturbed type sound without using the EQ..most clubs we are playing in are too small so turning up is not gonna happen.. lol
look forward to other settings post

Here's a vid of a my band practicing at local venue (they let us use the place during the week). I'm using my red stripe Mark III boosted with a TS808 and my RG7621 w/ DS7 and AN7. It forges metal. I'm using a quad of SED =C= 6L6's also, never tried EL34's. The other guitarist is using a Vox Valvetronix head.

My settings are as follows:
Vol 7 pulled
Treble 7 pulled
Bass 1
Middle 5
Master 2 pulled
Drive 5
Lead Master 7
Presence 2

I have the EQ set in a classic V shape, but I don't scoop out as much mids as most. From left to right it's

all the way up
halfway between middle an top
halfway between bottom and middle
halfway between middle and top
all the way up

I'm using an MXR Carbon Copy delay for the solo
These are 3 clips I did recently: - frayed2.mp3 - 5 minutes alone-2.mp3 - Ghosts IV 31.mp3

These are the settings I used: