Mark III Lead Channel Tone

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Mar 28, 2005
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I have been having trouble getting a Lead Tone that I like from my Mark III. The amp has 6L6 power tubes with the Simul Class Option. I have tried running in the 15Watt mode but the amp seems to loose something when I switch to the 15 Watt mode. The amp is a combo with a EVM-12 connected to a Thiele ported Mesa Cab with an EVM-12.

The problem is that the distortion has a edge to it in the high end. I have tried to roll of the high end to get rid of the edge. I looking for recommendations on smoothing the sound out.

I play a PRS Custom 24. I use the sweet switch to push the mids from the guitar.

I just bought a red stripe Simul-Class Mark III combo with an EV speaker. I also use all 6L6 in the SC setting.
The amp can sound rather "edgy", but keeping the presence low (0-3) makes it smoother, which I like for lead sounds. Keeping the presence low makes me able to use higher settings of the treble knob to get more sustain. If you have the grephic eq you can turn the 6600 slider down too. I usually have it around the mid point or slightly higher. Keeping the mid slider around the mid line or just slightly lower makes the amp smoother too, which makes me able to turn up the presence knob a bit to compensate for the darker tone.
The EV speaker can also sound edgy, so I mainly use my rectifier cabs, which smooths the tone out too.
+1 on the presence control at low settings being the key to a less "edgy" tone. Since it is on the back of the amp, it gets overlooked a lot I think, but higher settings can really bring on a grating, crispy tone that is less than wonderful. Remeber that moderation and patience are the key to dialing these beasts in, and subtle knob tweaks can put you in a whole different tonal region quickly(this is a good thing for some, a curse for others). Patience = a chance at perfection in this case. Good luck, and remember to take notes! Z
Don't go too high on the treb either.. 7-8 is high enough...Check out my last post in "GT6L6GE" for a smooth setting...If after dialing this setting in, you want a more modern tone, bring the 750 eq slider down to the bottom line....
ax. 8)

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