Mark III desirability question

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Well-known member
Sep 25, 2006
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I've had a couple trade offers to trade a Mark III for my Strat. If you were going to choose, what stripe/version would be the most desirable?
I have a Mark V so I'm not sure if I'd get any playing time on a III. Anyone own both?
I have both...Mk V and Mk III (green stripe). I play them equally as much. The V is my main rig and is used for gigs because of it's versatility. I play the III at home, for band rehearsal and maybe smaller gigs. The Mk III (once you get it dialed in...and it can be pain at first) is a sweet amp! It's less refined but a little more "organic" sounding compared to the Mk V.

As for which stripe is better? I guess it depends on what your looking for. Have you already researched what each stripe/version has to offer? I think they all sound similar except for some minor revisions here and there.

Is the MK III that your trading for in good working condition?
It was described as being in great shape. Green or blue stripe with eq & reverb mod. I'm waiting for pics.
If you love the guitar, keep it, especially since you got a Mark V, i don't care what the elitists say, a V is a great amp which is capable of so much more than a III or a IV. All the III has on the V is it's rawness, and it's less compressed, all the IV has on it is an overall smoother lead channel. Otherwise, cleans, crunch, mid gain tones are WAY better on a V. I'd want either a Red or a Blue Stripe if i had a choice for a III, they seem the most desireable.

BTW this is all coming from a Mark III owner, i don't have a IV or V but have tried them.

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