Mark III Blue to Red conversion ???

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Mar 26, 2009
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I have read a lot of info here and it seems that there is some confusion and hype about converting the Mark III line to IIC+ specs. As was greatly explained in a couple of threads below, this is pretty meaningless because of the fact that they are different amps in terms of PCB, components used, etc. You can read more here -

Thank you chipaudette!

The point is that I would like to "convert" my Mark III BLUE stripe to the RED Stripe specs. I think this already can be done. I have never played a RED striper but there is no doubt, everybody says it has better (mellower, liquid, balanced, etc.) tone than the Blue. If you look at ebay, almost every Mark III for sale is BLUE, too hard to find a RED one. This fact explains pretty much all.

More specifically, I have read about the c30 mod where some users report having 500pf there in their RED stripes. This is OK, but what more components can be changed in order to get the RED stripe tone? I assume there will be changes not only in the lead channel, but for Rhy 1 & 2 also.

Thank you very much!
You may want to try a red stripe ( and have a Red Stripe) first before doing the mod. I owned a red and prefer my blue to the red. Could be the tubes I use but in some older recordings I have, the red has this high end sizzle that I don't like. could be EQ, could be my changing ears over time. I would try a tube overhaul before the mod. Also, we are talking Simulclass right? I'll state the obvious in the affect it has on the feel of the amp.

I do have some old Mesa STR416's in the outer sockets that make the amp sing. preamp tubes are mesa SPAX7's. JJ's for the inner socket 6L6.

Another thing to consider as to why you noticed so many blue stripes on eBay ( I look frequently and haven't actually paid attention) but it could be due to the fact that those people are trading up to a MKIV or MKV OR they don't want to pay for the cap replacement.
Certainly for me, if I were to sell, I'd move to the MKIV with greater tonal control.

Also, I will admit I am not chasing the MKIIC+ tone. I am after the tone Hendrix got on the Woodstock album but that's me.

Tubes are an easy fix and you may find a new tone that works.

Good luck; the journey continues!!!!
Yes, mine is Simul-class, GEQ, Reverb.

Thank you for your reply! I see you had both stripes (RED & BLUES), but you sold the Red. Interesting...
Could you, please, give more details about the sound differencies between both amps? High-end sizzle and so...
How do the Rhy 1, 2 and Lead compare?

try to compare both stripes before you do the mod. Mark III Reds and Blues are polar opposites in terms of sound.
herrball said:
You may want to try a red stripe ( and have a Red Stripe) first before doing the mod. I owned a red and prefer my blue to the red. Could be the tubes I use but in some older recordings I have, the red has this high end sizzle that I don't like. could be EQ, could be my changing ears over time. I would try a tube overhaul before the mod. Also, we are talking Simulclass right? I'll state the obvious in the affect it has on the feel of the amp.

I do have some old Mesa STR416's in the outer sockets that make the amp sing. preamp tubes are mesa SPAX7's. JJ's for the inner socket 6L6.

Another thing to consider as to why you noticed so many blue stripes on eBay ( I look frequently and haven't actually paid attention) but it could be due to the fact that those people are trading up to a MKIV or MKV OR they don't want to pay for the cap replacement.
Certainly for me, if I were to sell, I'd move to the MKIV with greater tonal control.

Also, I will admit I am not chasing the MKIIC+ tone. I am after the tone Hendrix got on the Woodstock album but that's me.

Tubes are an easy fix and you may find a new tone that works.

Good luck; the journey continues!!!!
What you Look then is a Marshall JMP Super Bass with a 1973 model you are there right now you can get them at a fair price, If you don't have a cab with pre rola greenbacks you should look for Scumbacks speakers M75 or H55 those are your tiquet to Hendrix land..
igfraso, that´s no doubt a great advice, thank you!
Unfortunately, there is no way for me to test a RED stripe, ´cause I never heard of anybody in my area having it. In my country (Bulgaria) Mesa Boogie Mark series are really hard to find, I have seen only a couple of guys with Mark IV, and 1 with Mark V. Nothing else.

"Mark III Reds and Blues are polar opposites in terms of sound" OMG, really?!?! Well, I don´t have that impression by reading so many revies here. Users usually say they the RED Lead channel is slightly better than the one in the BLUE, I didn´t know it was a huge difference. More opinions and speaking of exact component values will be much appreciated!
I'm only basing this off of what I have read... but I have read that the differences are subtle from stripe to stripe. After all, they are still all mark III's so they should have kind of the same feel. maybe the real early ones with the 105 PT will be the most different. that's just a guess. Seems like the early revisions are trying to get back to the IIC+ and the last revision getting them closer to the mark IV, which is the green stripe. The only stripe I have heard in person was a purple in a store, but it sounded great.

Hey guys,

I have a red and a purple stripe. The red definitely has that hotter sound to it, no doubt. I think it would be wrong to say it's better because they both are equally great in their own. I find when switching between different 12AX7's and EL34/6L6 mix that the purple can pretty much catch up to the red. Other then that, these amps pack a mean punch.

bigjav said:
igfraso, that´s no doubt a great advice, thank you!
Unfortunately, there is no way for me to test a RED stripe, ´cause I never heard of anybody in my area having it. In my country (Bulgaria) Mesa Boogie Mark series are really hard to find, I have seen only a couple of guys with Mark IV, and 1 with Mark V. Nothing else.

"Mark III Reds and Blues are polar opposites in terms of sound" OMG, really?!?! Well, I don´t have that impression by reading so many revies here. Users usually say they the RED Lead channel is slightly better than the one in the BLUE, I didn´t know it was a huge difference. More opinions and speaking of exact component values will be much appreciated!

I don't want to confuse you. There is no huge difference between the stripes... but there is some, especially between the red and the blue ones.

If you don't take me to court for saying this :lol: , I would say this in a very simplistic way:
- the red stripe, and maybe also the green stripe, are the closest to the IIC+. The lead sound in the red stripe is pure liquid and sustain.
- the blue stripe is the closest to the Marshall sound.

I sent my early black stripe simulclass (no 105 PT but the wonderful X101) to Mike Bendinelli in Petaluma and he modded it to red stripe specs. OMG!!! Unbelievable sound.

And yet, it seems that you are more into a Marshall sound so, probably, you are better off with the blue stripe.
Maybe you see so many blue stripes in eBay because people might want an Electra Dyne instead. Just guessing. :?:

If I were you, I would keep the blue stripe and do the R2 Volume mod so you can set the 3 channels more independently. Ask for the mod details to Mesa Boogie and they will send it to you. Any technician can do it for little money ($50, here in the US).
By the way, I assume that, being a blue stripe, it already has the reverb mod (check if you see an "R" at the back of the chassis close to the power cable).
Good luck!!