Hi, new guy here! I have been offered an original IIc+ combo for $1800 plus shipping. It's blonde, a snag in the grill cover, tolex is aged with a few small tears, s/n 128xx and it doesn't have reverb or eq, as far as I can tell it is completely stock with the exception of a resistor and cap or two.
So, is it worth it (he wont budge on the price) as I can buy a clean early 70's Super Lead for that kind of money. And could Mesa add a reverb to it and not hurt it's value? What if any pedal should it have had?
So, is it worth it (he wont budge on the price) as I can buy a clean early 70's Super Lead for that kind of money. And could Mesa add a reverb to it and not hurt it's value? What if any pedal should it have had?