Mark IIB / IIC to IIC+ specs

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Sep 5, 2006
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sorry if this has been discussed before.

I have the ability to grab a Mark II either B or C (not sure what it is yet) for 420 bucks. Problem is the original owner took out the chassis and put it in a fender bassman enclosure for some reason, but other than that it's a Mark IIB or C. Anyways, I put a downpayment on it, so in two weeks it'll be in my local store so I can buy it.

Anyways, I want this thing to go to IIC+ specs. Was wondering if anyone had a sheet or a thread or a list of changes to turn a IIC or an IIB into a IIC+? I'd fairly handy with a soldering iron so performing the mods will be no problem, would just need a clear schematic of the two so I can see for myself.

I'm hoping and praying that its an IIC BUT knowing my luck it'll be an IIB. so if its possible to convert both to IIC+, please let me know how.

Thanks for any help you could give me.

Called the place the amp is coming from. According to them, the inside center of the knobs are black, not silver. This should be a giveaway that its an IIC, but I wont hold my breath.

At any rate, anyone have what turning an IIC into an IIC+ would consist of?
Boogiebabies said:
Mike Bendinelli at Mesa.

If it's a IIC, you may be able to do it from gut shots and the schematic.

If you can post pics of the amp and it's guts when you get it, I would be happy to tell you what you have.
Would mike be willing to disclose that info? I mean, its a mod that Mesa offers, so technically if he disclosed it to me they are essentially losing money that way.

Got a number for Mike? I called the hollywood store a couple days ago and they said that Mike is over at the factory, which is a different number.
Boogiebabies said:
I dont think he will give it away. You are probably better off letting him do the work anyway.
Ahhh... I'm a broke college student, this is a deal of a lifetime I'm getting on this amp otherwise I wouldnt be able to afford one.

If I can get a copy of an IIC+ and an IIC schematic I can pull it off. I'm an EE major, so it shouldnt be too hard. If I can build an amp from scratch, I can mod one.
Ahhh... I'm a broke college student, this is a deal of a lifetime I'm getting on this amp otherwise I wouldnt be able to afford one

Mike Bendinelli is your best bet for doing the work. After all, it's his design. It's only $275 for the C to C+ mod. IMO if you can save enough to spend $420 for the amp, you should be able to save enough for the mod. It just might take some time.

I'm not discounting your ability to do the mod. But the value of the amp increases greatly if Mike does the work.

Mike upgraded a C to a C+ for me and it is perfect.
Mahoner said:
I'm not discounting your ability to do the mod. But the value of the amp increases greatly if Mike does the work.
I never really thought of that. Thanks for opening my eyes to that aspect.