Mark IIb effects loop mod...

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Apr 1, 2007
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For anyone thinking about this mod, I just got an amp back from Petaluma that Mike B. did the effects loop mod to. I've had several MK IIb's over the years and they were by far my least favorite Boogies, not any more. The grainy sound of the overdrive, pre mod is gone and replaced with a killer tight, smooth, and sweet tone. I actually dig it a bit more than the MKIII now. Only regret is that I didn't do this sooner.
On another note I gotta say that the service from these guys is really great. They are honest to deal with and great communicators as well.
I have 2 of these with tthe mod. One is a 60/100, the other is a Simul-Class. The 60/100 easily keeps pace with my 2c+, almost a sonic clone at 1/3 the price.


what's the mod?

what is changed?

if i don't use my effects loop when recording, does this mod do anything?

inquiring minds.....
gonzo said:
if i don't use my effects loop when recording, does this mod do anything?

Hell yeah, read the first post. My MkI has this same mod by converting it to a true effects loop setup. It is MEAN :twisted: .

Dan and Kane-

You guys seem to have experience with the Mark 2.

I am thinking of buying either a used Mark 2 or 4.

It seems I can get a mark 2 for 1000 or less and a mark 4 for 1300 or less.

I'm not going to be able to test these amps out, I will need to make the choice based on reading what is on the web. I play in a indie/british sounding band, not hard rock by any stretch, not punk, something like the Kaiser Chiefs.

I need a bit of versatility when playing live, i.e. a bit of distortion vs. a bit more distorition on various songs, and the ability to get louder on a solo. I also want great sound.

I imagine I could use either of these amps with a gain pedal like an MXR micro amp to cover my needs. Can you give me some pros and cons?

Is the mark IV worth the additional cost, is the the mark 2 a better chioce for the type of player I am?
ok, as far as i can tell, this mod is for being able to set pre/post levels in the effects loop.

as i said earlier, if i do NOT use the effects loop for recording, then what do i get out of doing this mod?

maybe we're talking a different language here?
I don't use the effects loop at all. The mod changed the overall sound of the amp which is what I wanted. Stock, the overdrive/distortion is grainy not smooth, not particularly dynamic, and kinda flabby. After the mod those tones are smooth and very touch affected. Low end is tighter as well.

tomoc, the MKIV is a killer gigging amp and would easily do what you're looking for with some time spent figuring it all out.
the effects loop mod adds a final Master Volume on the back of the amp. All of the knobs on the front then effect the preamp (according to my boogie literature. I bought both of mine with the mod so i can't compare it to how it was before the mod. All I know is that it sounds VERY close to my IIC+ 60/100. Very creamy lead voice, great fat clean tone. I liked it so much that I bought another in blonde tolex to play out. It's my first Simulclass mark II. I can't say I like it as much as the 60/100. the clean chanel is just not as sparkly, but i think this is the Simul rather than the mod.

I also have a mark IV. Great amp. for the Money you are talking I would pickup the Mark IV unless you happen to find a mark II with the mod. My only trouble with the Mark IV is that I never have enough time to figure out all the tones inside it. I seem to revert back to my Mark II's due to their simplicity.

If I were to play out with the Mark IV i would have to set it all ahead of time and leave it alone. the mark II I can adjust better on the fly.

BTW, I opened up the "new' Simulcalsss IIB and it has MB's signature on the power board, under the signature it says simul-Class mod #... the chassis is also marked with an HRG. It must have started life as a 100/60 and been modded to SimulClass, I didn't know they could do that.

i once talked with mike bendenelli on the phone, about taking the wattage down on my MIIb...

he said "There is the option of also adding a Pentode/Triode switch which will essentially be a 60/15 watt switch"

maybe it was that mod?
my particular head, doesn't have reverb, only eq.

60 watt.

so, there's no pot now, where the reverb level would normally be, that'd be a perfect place to put the new '4th vol control'
As of July 3 2007 the cost for Mr. Bendinelli to perform said modification is $450 USD. This price has gone up $200 over the last year and is cost prohibitive in my opinion(especialy for me in Canada, where shipping and some duties at the border are involved).

It would be nice if this mod could be shared with authorized Mesa Boogie repair centres.

In any case, I have enjoyed my MKIIB for the last 18 years. However I have started using other amps in the last 5 years and it does not look like this amp will be with me until I am too old to play or passed down to my children(when I have them). I agree with many others that the lead channel is the week spot on this amp and am currently overdriving the clean channel for my distorted tones.

dancullinane said:
I have 2 of these with tthe mod. One is a 60/100, the other is a Simul-Class. The 60/100 easily keeps pace with my 2c+, almost a sonic clone at 1/3 the price.


He is not lying. The IIB I just came across has this mod and it sounds amazing. Just an awesome lead sound that sustains forever. Very vocal and very tight. As soon as I plugged in to it I thought to myself, "now this is what my Mark 3 should sound like". It sounded so good that I assumed it must be a IIC or + model. But based on the serial # it is not. Either way it will be coming home with me when Guitar Center releases it from police hold.