Mark II and III players, a footswitch question, please...

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Well-known member
Mar 23, 2011
Reaction score
Salt Lake City, UT, USA
I currently play a Mark III, and I have and use the original footswitches. The footswitch that controls Rhythm/Lead switching has an LED, and it's labeled "RED = LEAD," but the LED is in fact lit when Rhythm channel is engaged, off when Lead is engaged. It just sits there, lying to me. I mean, the switch works fine, it just hurts my feelings, y'know? :cry:

I used aftermarket switches for my last Mark III, so this is new to me. I've had the amp for a year, but never really thought about this until now. Is this a common or well known phenomenon, or do I just have a weird footswitch?
Your foot switch isn't weird, it's just not a Mark III switch.
See the photo below.

The switch on the right is a Mark III switch.
The one on the left is not.

Still works, no biggie.
The Mark III rools!

(No, I don't know to which amp the left foot switch belongs.)

One other note; I was using a Mark series pedal for my Heartbreaker when I first got it. It had come with it and had a sharpie marking of "HB" on the side. I opened it up and the only thing I noticed was the resistor had been taken out. Not too sure if this might lead you into a way to get the red light to lightup when it is engaged in the lead mode. I am not a technician but since any little idea seems to find an expert in this forum (thank God since I have been helped many times by many people here).

It also keep my therapy bills down :lol:

I have a RED=LEAD pedal with my Mark III and it's like that too, the light is lit when R1 is engaged (but yet again, I don't have the silver Rhythm pedal, so I figured if both were plugged in, the light function would reverse, like the push/pull-lead work on the pedal...) Never bothered me though, just go with it and rock the universe.
The one on the left is the Maverick footswitch.

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas to everyone that makes this forum such an amazing one.
Yup, "Red=Lead" is the Maverick.
Also the original DC series.
You can still buy 'em at Mesa's website:
the LED will always be powered on in the rythym mode on the mark series due to the voltage that drives the led is removed from the switch when switched to lead mode. The resistor in the switch is there to limit the current going to the led so it doesn't burn out from too much current.

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