MARK I Reissue - Your Favorite Settings

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Well-known member
Jul 31, 2006
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I just found this board!

I just bought a used, mint Mark I reissue, and have noticed already the tonal variations. Of course, I'll be exploring the many tone possibilities with different guitars, but I'd love to hear about your favorite settings.

So, please do share! I'd love to incorporate it to my Strat, LP, and PRS.

PS. I also own a stiletto trident which is absolutely amazing.
For me, I have a sound similar to the "Santana" sound
V1 7
V2 7
Treble 6
Mid 9.5
Bass 2
MAster 5 (I am using this with Weber power attenuator)

Reverb 3
Presence 5

Switch to 60 W/Tweed
Driss, do you play a PRS through it? I might have try that setting though I have a PRS McCarty Hollowbody - just tried it, and pretty darn close . . . .

I also noticed that putting mids up high makes the amp sound great with the bass dial around 2-3 - any more and the amp gets a bit muddy.

Love this amp.
hi, I'm using fender american strat with stock single coils, my favorite settings are:

volume 1 - 9
volume 2 - 9
master - 2 (when i'm playing with band, otherwise i set it on about 1 for practicing)

treble - 10
bass - 2
middle - 7.5
presence - 10
reverb - depends on situation (i use it sometimes for solos when i'm recording, about 4)
100/60 - 100w

i have very early reissue (serial number U000067) that doesn't have tweed switch, i wonder how it might sound with it
I'll have to get a PRS soon; I sold my Santana III a while ago.

I'm really diggin the channel 2 right now w/ a Strat - so vibrant a tone!
I have an original '78 boogie. Just for fun my settings are:

Treble- 7 to 8
Bass - 2
Mid (3 or 7) this makes the most difference - 7 is thick
Master - between 1 and 2

Presence on back - 3 (this knob makes a big difference)

60 Watt - At home
100 Watt - on stage

I love this amp!! Used to have a fetron in V1 tube slot ... but I replaced it with an ECC883 and wired the support (some caps, resistors had to change to run the tubes) this year. It was a strong amp before ... now it's unbelievable ... smoother than before. Only change is V1 and V2 volumes settings both went from 7 to 8.
boy, would love to hear some sound clips! What guitar do you play through, and any effect pedals?

I just put some covers up ... most of them recorded over the past few years (with the fetron). I have about 100 but only put about a dozen up.

I need to put some up with the tube mod ... maybe soon

See my current rig below
Nice, tight recordings. I especially like the guitar tone on "good fools are hard to find." It right away reminded me of Larry Carlton like tone with its own qualities. Nice!~
enigma said:
Nice, tight recordings. I especially like the guitar tone on "good fools are hard to find." It right away reminded me of Larry Carlton like tone with its own qualities. Nice!~

You couldn't have said anything nicer. Larry Carlton was the reason I bought both the Boogie and a semi-hollow body guitar. I've always loved the guitar/amp combination. When I was playing 6 nighters when I was younger I was always fighting the tone. One night great ... next night same place and horrible. This guitar/amp combo just feels right no matter what room ... what music ... like comfortable shoes. It always lets me play as good as I can play ... so I'm the limiter.

Anyway, the fetron (that I didn't know about) added a kind of weird zing ... I hear it now when I listen to the recordings. I understand that Larry Carltons boogie had one too. But I really like the smoother more standard boogie sound now. When I get a few recordings posted with the ECC883 in V1, I'll post another link.
Hey KDove,

That is very impressive my man! Congrats on a great tone and great playing. You do have A LOT of Carlton in your sound.
Question for you from your post:
You said both presence and MID setting changes made a big difference for you. Can you please explain in detail?

(I have Mid and presence high btw)

Thank you and GREAT GREAT music
Thanks for the comments:

The Presence (on the back) adds brightness ... full up it could even be harsh. New strings and run on 3 is best for me. Older strings with not quite as much brightness ... can sometimes fix by putting on 4 or 5. If you willing to go basier on the guitar tone ... you can use 7 and it kind of reminds me of my old Marshall. I would run the amp really bright and run bassy on the tones ... but usually for me it's new strings and 3.

The mids ... I ran for years with the Yamaha setting the Boogie on 3. Then I got a Strat & Tele and needed a little more beef in the middle due to the single coil pickups. I started getting used to the mids set on 7 on the bumbuckers though ... I have to work it but the mids at 7 can give me a really full tone. But if I really want to wail on the neck pickup and have full control ... I pull it back to 3 ... clear glassy highs and cleaner middles. Especially on slide parts. Gave the Strat to my son last year. Still have a Schecter Tele that I like a lot.
Thank you for your explanation.
Here my dilema. i really aming for dostortion and sustain without harshness. Please think Santana type tone.
I am close but it is bit muddy and harsh.

My presence is set at 5 an Mids at 9

I noticed that Santana has his boogie Mid all the way up and his presence is at 7, yet he gets the cool singing distortion.
Needless to say, I am NO Santana, but trying to creating my own tone, based on a great one.
(I have in my head the tone I want still muddy and harsh coming out of the amp)
P.S i have a PRS Santana III
I think the 3 Presence and 7 mids get it for me ... my pickups are 8.3k neck and 8.8k Alnico 5s ... if you've got something stronger (like a 14.4k 498T Gibson pikup) that might not work. Does for me - listen to the Santana number at my sounclick site. Granted it has a bit more zing to it with the fetron ... but it's closer now with a ECC883 tube in V1.
Actually ... that particular song ... I didn't really go for a Santana sound, It's a bit more on the middle pickup / lead pickup. The best way to get that sound is really on the neck pickup ... at least for me. So even though a Santana song ... not really a Santana sound.