Mark 5 25 Headphone Out

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Mesa Madness

Sep 21, 2014
Reaction score
Philly suburbs
How are you guys liking this feature? I'm thinking about picking one of these amps up and wanted to get some more feedback from current owners. How's the quality of the sound? I've heard others say that volume may be an issue depending on the headphones used. I'd really like to try one of these out as it will be easier for me to lug around vs my full size Mark V. I was just curious about what the experienced owners have to say.
Headphone out is cool, but that would not be a reason to buy the amp IMO.

I think for headphone playing there are better option. You definitely need some reverb to wet the sound. And to be honest when I use it I throw a cab IR on top of it, even with the cabinet sim built in.

It's a great little amp. I absolutely love it. Buy it cause it sounds killer.
To me the headphone out seemed like it wasn't really designed to drive headphones. I'd treat it as a line out ad run it into a decent headphone amp or powered headphones.

The amp itself is incredible. I'd go with primal on this one.
Thanks for the info guys, I do appreciate it. Like I mentioned in my original post I do currently have a full size Mark V that I greatly enjoy. I also have rack gear that sounds great through headphones, but am still curious about the mini Mark. I don't have any Mesa dealers nearby so I'm trying to find one so I can try it in person. Thanks again for your opinions.