Made the spongy.

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Fixxer6671 said:
njsurf said:
Almost always on spongy/tube unless in a metal mood then bold/silicon

Isn't everyone that plays a dual rec in a metal mood :wink:


Actually no...

I camp on channel 2/fat for most of the time with the Roadster. I use bold as well, since I can't get the cleans to sound right with spongy. For higher gain, I actually like channel 3/vintage with mid gain and higher master volume to get the power tubes chugging.

I played on spongy when I first got the amp, but after going bold I never looked back. Much improved cleans.
Seems like the notes are more "Squishy". I like spongy with tube rec and I pulled two tubes on my Dual and the Tone really fills up my side of the stage. Until the bass player starts "Tweaking". URGH!
Check out "Power and the Glory" from Saxon. My fave!