LSS and (Ibanez)TS

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Well-known member
Jan 4, 2006
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Hi guys,I plan to buy a Tubescreamer but i'm a bit confuse cause their is many models and all the review i've read gave perfect score.
Is anyone using a TS with a Lonestar special?

what should i buy?:
TS 808
TS 9

My tone is already good but i got some money to burn. :oops:
I wouldn't think your gonna get any better sounds with a TS than you can already get out of the LSS. Unless you thinking about using it on the clean channel for a third tone. I have the TS-9 but I don't use it at all with my LSC. It was for my TRRI.
You probably don't need an OD pedal with the LSS. But if you want one, forget the TS-9. Try the Fulldrive 2 and the Voodu Sparkledrive. These are souped-up TS-9 clones that blow the original away, IMHO.
You don't NEED a tubescreamer with a Lonestar, but you will be doing yourself a favor by getting one and using it and you'll probably never be able to play with out one from that point on :wink: ...

This is coming from a guy that has changed EVERYTHING in his rig and guitar combination over the last 2-3 years except the tubescreamer I've been using for the last 14 years. Even my style of music has changed from top 40 and classic country to newer country and newer rock/hard-rock/hair rock. I use my tubescreamer with a 4 channel Road King and it gets used on the clean channels for a different type of overdrive and also in conjunction with the distrotion channels for more drive and a different tone.

Now, as far as which one?? There are so many and they all sound very simmilar (I'll get slammed for that comment).. I've had a TS-9 and a TS-10 and I chose to keep the TS-10 bacause it had a more reliable switch and it seemed to have a touch more gain. I had my TS-9 for 6 months and sent it in twice for a new switch and the last time they sent me a new pedal and the switch in that one went out. I even had a TS-7 with the extreme switch (or something like that) and it sounded pretty close to the same but it popped real loud when I turned it on and off, so I sold it for $15. There are several clones too, the Maxon and others..... I think any of them will sound pretty close and do what you want. Here's a run down on the ones I think you can't go wrong with:
* TS-10
* TS-9
* TS 808
* Maxon (not sure of model number)

You can probably pick up a TS-10 for $50, a TS-9 for $75, a TS 808 for $100 and the Maxon for $100 (all used prices).

Good luck and happy hunting!
I use a Visual Sound route 66 od/comp. It is the exact circuit of a ts808 but with a "fat switch" for a touch of bass boost. I use it all the time, it is very dynamic as a clean boost, or as a gain enhancer. It was said already, but you can't go wrong with a TS. However with that said, try out at least 5 TS 9s, 808s, or equivellent. They all sound different. Even TS9s sound different from one another. some are shrill and harsh, while others are full and rich sounding. There is the grail of tubescreamers though... Keeley baked TS9.
To get great overdrive with the LSS you don't need a TS - I just sold my Homebrew Powerscreamer as it doesn't beat lots of tweaking with the LSS.

That said, I can recommend a compressor in the effects loop for a bit more sustain.

One pedal worth considering is the Hermida Audio Zendrive - if you would also like a Dumble/Fuchs/Robben Ford/Larry Carlton sort of overdrive tone as well. I am in the middle of the 3 month waiting period for one.

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