LSC Hum Issue

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Jul 4, 2008
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vancouver b.c
first post here but been reading all the wonderful info here for some time,

Ive had my lonestar classic for a couple years now and recently ive run into numerous issues mainly to do with the hissing/hum and occasional squeals/crackling.

I tried replacing the power tubes with no luck so i moved onto the preamp tubes, i swapped them all out last week and the hum went away!
But now its seems to creep in on me randomly, like somedays i turn it on and its as quiet as ever, somedays i turn it on and after like 15 mins of playing the hiss is back!
I cant figure this out, if the tubes were bad why is it so random?

Its pretty frustrating to the point where now im looking at solid state amps just so i can practice without that distracting noise :/

Any ideas?
thanks guys.
Have you tried running a furman power conditioner? noise suppressor? isp decimator? ebtech humx? theres numerous products that will kill noisy rigs from hiss and feedback to 60cycle hum. honestly try give us some more info on your rig and if you have any of the noise suppressors or taken any other measures other than tubes... I would say keep the lsc no need to get rid of it imo :lol:
thanks man!
ooh no i could never ever rid of this, the cleans are just too amazing on this amp.
Its killing me to have to deal with the noise lately but i just play with more attack and try to ignore it,

I think you may be right right about the conditioner, going to try and get one and try it out .. It doesnt sound to me like its a tube problem anymore but just the electricity in my house (its an old house btw hence the incosistancy in when i get noise)

My rig is is pretty basic american strat w/ dimarzio pups going into a rat/keeley bd2/ and a ts9 all in front of the amp and fx loop is set to bypass.

Thanks for your reply,
Power conditioner sounds like it would help alot.......I just bought the cheaper MONSTER Power Cond / Surge Protector 2000.....cleaned all my amps right up.......residential power is the worse kind for noise and fluctuations......a good brand powerconditioner will fix you right up!!!!
Another idea is to check all of the input jacks and make sure they are clean especially the jacks on the loop. I had some intermittent noise and traced it to dirty effect loop jacks. Try hard bypassing the loop and see if the noise is still there if it's not then it could be dirty jacks. Some guys run dummy inputs in the loop jacks so you don't loose the solo feature which is off if the loop is in hard bypass. Just a thought since the noise is not there all of the time. You can use any electrical contact cleaner to clean them out just make sure you wait a while for the cleaner to dry.
well im not using the fx loop (dont like the sound of it unless its flange/delay or something time based) so its always on hard bypass,
I will try cleaning the inputs on the front though and see what i get , good idea.
Right now i just ordered the "humx from ebtech" which just goes into the wall before the ac on the amp , hoping it does the trick.

thanks guys.
I purchased a Furman" Power Factor Pro" and cleaned up a lot of my problems w/hum. I got the floor model ( not a rack unit), and plug both my amp, LSS and a Rivera Venus 6 , along w/my pedalboard and it just works great. My amps are plugged in all the time and I don't have to woory about power surges. We do some outdoor gigs and it's just a bit of insurance. Check it out..

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