Love my Roadster but can't get a good Metal sound

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Mar 10, 2008
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I've had my roadster for a while and I still can't figure out a good setting. I have it on the modern setting on channel 4 with an MXR KFK 10-band eq in the loop can I get any help or guidance. Looking for either a LOG tone or Pantera (5 minutes alone).
dude relax, go to channel 3 on modern
master 12
pre 12
bass 12
mid 11
tre 1130
output 9ish
gain 130 oclock
use basically a scooped pattern on the eq boosting the highs slightly from normal
also depend on pups but my **** sounds awesome like this

Have you tried any of the factory sample settings?
i agree with kaz... start with the factory settings without the geq first. find something you think is ballpark and start adjusting the amps eq until you get the right body and gain. then introduce the geq and make tiny adustments to the frequencies you wnat/dont want. between the roadster and the geq you should get what your looking for.

also i find a lot of people look at the amp to get the tone in their head but its all about the system. what cab(s) are you using? what guitar(s)? pups and cabs plays just a big a part to your tone as the amp does. if your happy with your cabs/guitars i would try 1) an OD like the OCD or Maxon OD808 in front to compress your preamp or look towards a tube package from eurotubes that fits the bill. there are a lot of options out there and the roadster is a great pallette to start with
Thanks for everything I just nailed the tone about an hour ago.

Yeah, what did you end up doing?

Remember the amp is not a plug an play thing, you need to twist the knobs.
I took 155's advice and threw it into the 4th channel on modern.
prescense- full
Base- 12
Mid- 1:30
treble- 10:30
gain- 2:30

Diodes at 100W
brawd mid scoop on the mxr kfk eq
MusicManJP6 said:
I don't know how you can stand the presence at max on the modern channel. That makes my RoV sound like a tin can...

ya I had a RoV for a while and found that it made that sound to but with the roadter it helps liven the amp up IMO.
MusicManJP6 said:
I don't know how you can stand the presence at max on the modern channel. That makes my RoV sound like a tin can...

ya I had a RoV for a while and found that it made that sound to but with the roadter it helps liven the amp up IMO.

roadster is voived a little darker than a ROV especially with the extra comprssion on channel 4 moden so it does brighten thinsg up but it retains its girth especially if your mids are above 12 and treble below 12
jdurso said:
MusicManJP6 said:
I don't know how you can stand the presence at max on the modern channel. That makes my RoV sound like a tin can...

ya I had a RoV for a while and found that it made that sound to but with the roadter it helps liven the amp up IMO.

roadster is voived a little darker than a ROV especially with the extra comprssion on channel 4 moden so it does brighten thinsg up but it retains its girth especially if your mids are above 12 and treble below 12

+1 - It's all about the Presence in Ch 4 Modern.
