love my lone star special...But

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Jan 24, 2007
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Los Angeles
i just bought a lone star special 1x12 and i am very happy with the tone. The only problem is i was so excited that i didnt try out the 2x12 and now its killing me. Any know how differently, if at all, it sounds compared to the 1x12? To my knowledge it isnt louder but is it bassier? anything will help thanks
I have the 2x12. For me, yes, gave a bit more bass. And clearly moves more air, which I like/need in general anyway. you can hear some of the freq cancellation as with any multi-speaker setup.

So I suppose it just depends on your needs. Not sure I'd trade out the 1x12 for it, unless you really, really like the extra air you can move with the 2x12.
I went back and forth on which to get for some time

I like the cleans on the 2x12 better, but I like the drive channel
on the 1x12 better

I originally bought a head, and the 1x12 extension cab

then wound up buying a hardwood 1x12 combo cause I "had to have it"
sold the head, and placed the hardwood 1x12, on top of the extension
cab, kind of a vertical 2x12, another nice setup

long story short, I'd go the 1x12 and add cab, it's lighter
sounds great, and if you can always extend it later
can't shrink a 2x12
Yep, the 2x12 is a beast for sure. Luckily i don't have to move mine very often.

I thought VERY hard about your setup with the 1x12 on top of a 1x12 cab as well. In the end i couldn't pass up the deal I got on the used 2x12. :)
I defnitely stick with the 1x12, and just add the cab when needed. Not all situations will call for 2x12. With the 1x12 it's lighter and can add to it when needed. The 2x12 is just too heavy.
I noticed your in So Cal as I am. I have a 2X12 Lone Star Classic that's never been gigged in perfect shape. Would you consider a trade? I quit the band with the loud drummer so I don't need to move as much air.

I'm DONE with 2 x 12 combos- just too heavy.

I have the 1 x 12 LSS combo with the 1x12 matching cab and it's perfect. IF I want cleaner, bigger, louder, I bring the 1 x 12 ext cab; otherwise, the 1 x 12 works fine, too.

Heads and cabs are the way to go. If I could do it over, I'd probably buy the LSS head with an Avatar 2 x 12 open back cab with the Celestion BLues. Get a LSC head, too and run it with the 2 x 12 cab. Then a Bogner head. Then a Bad Cat Head. Then a Dr Z head. On and on. Forever.

Then, a good 1 x 12 cab for when you don't want to bring the 2 x 12 out.

I take my Dr Z Maz 38 head out with the Boogie 1x 12 ext cab and its small, the weights are manageble, are the tone is great. Two trips, but less weight per trip.
Stick with your 1x12 combo and get a matching cab. It works out perfect for me as well as others who posted here and it's really nice to have the seperate cab in case you want to try out other heads.
if i was you i would go back to the music store and try a 2x12 next to your 1x12 and see if which one you like the sound of the best every body has their own sound only you can make that decision. i have a 2x12 lss
and i love the sound i get but thats me.
I ordered a 1x12 cab for my 1x12 combo and am very happy with my decision. Nice sound seperation, etc. Well worth it.
I tried the 112 and 212 side by side and liked the controll of the 1x12 better. I bought a 1 x 12 and a a 1 x12 LS cab so I can add more is i need.