Loop sound difference

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Well-known member
Nov 29, 2005
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I play an LSS.

For channel 2, I like the overdrive sound best with a very short cable in the loop send and return plugs, so essentially engaging the loop tube if that makes sense.

For channel 1, I like the clean sound better without the cable, so even though the loop is on, there is nothing going through that bit of the circuit.

Has anyone else noticed any slight sonic difference as I have with cables plugged in or not, and is there any way to trick the amp into thinking there is nothing plugged in to the plugs when there is? So basically a true bypass mod on those plugs?
If I remember correctly, the FX loop on/off switch is true bypass. An yes by enabling the Fx loop (with or without anything plug in) there is a noticeable different in tone.
I've noticed the same thing with my Roadster...I realised some of my FXs were sucking some tone, and by removing them all, I came to realise that the loop circuit was sucking some tone by itself too. Is there any way to fix that?
I don't run any of my effects in the loop of my LSC... they're all out front... I DO however keep the loop engaged so I can use the SOLO function. I THOUGHT I used to hear slight tone-suck from my Express when I used the loop but I don't hear a diff with the LSC with the Loop and OUTPUT levels set appropriately.
I find that if there is a cable in the send return loop there is an audible difference. Sometimes it enhances the tone, other times it seems to degrade it.

Admittedly the differences are relatively subtle.

It would be good if with the footswitch you could just switch the send return bit of the loop out, so you could still use the solo and overall volume controls.

I guess that is the mod I would like to be able to do.
you could make a cable with a switch in it that would disconnect the cable itself while its in the loop so you can keep the loop on and just break the cable when you want to.
I use a BBE Sonic Stomp at the end of my loop and it corrects the tone sucking and really tightens up the sound. I Would rather play with loop engaged just because of the sound i get from my BBE.
ive noticed this before too. any extra cable or anything in the signal path is going to alter your tone, namely ive noticed it suppresses the highs. sometimes it sounds good when i play with a lot of treble and i get a harsh high end sound. other times it seems like it smothers my tone.

depends on my settings.
I notice my clean chanel breaks up sooner with the FX loop on. It's kinda annoying to me actually, because I pracitce w/o the effects loop engaged, but then switch it on for performances to use a delay and the solo option. At my last performance I notcied that with my clean setting dialed in, my tone was still a little fuzzy. I switxched off the loop near the end of the show and BAM, back to oodles and oodles of clean headroom. I don;t think I ever noticed this at home, because I play at a much lower volume.
For those that like the cable in the loop, where are you running your fx send knob?
From my understanding, it's all got to do with the FX loop tube. If you've got a crappy tube for the effects loop, it's going to make the tone worse.

When I switched out my FX loop tube from a Tung-Sol reissue to a NOS Mullard 12AT7, I instantly noticed the improvement. Now, I like my tone more from the loop, regardless of the effects in it.
timmerel said:
I find that if there is a cable in the send return loop there is an audible difference. Sometimes it enhances the tone, other times it seems to degrade it.

Admittedly the differences are relatively subtle.

Are you always using the same end of the cable for send and return? That can make a surprising difference.
tiktok said:
timmerel said:
I find that if there is a cable in the send return loop there is an audible difference. Sometimes it enhances the tone, other times it seems to degrade it.

Admittedly the differences are relatively subtle.

Are you always using the same end of the cable for send and return? That can make a surprising difference.

That's very interesting. Could you elaborate on that? Why does it make a difference, do you know?