Lonestar vs Blue Angel

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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2008
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Ok Dudes

It will soon be time for an upgrade


Should I go for the Lonestar or the Blue Angel?

Either way it will be a head version powering a 2x12 cab

Persuade me
Do you need two channels? Do you like to use pedals? What kind of music will you be playing? Do you have a cab/speaker combination in mind?

They are fairly different amps.

The BA's reverb is great but essentially useless if you're using drive pedals IMO. The lonestar is a helluva amp but it doesn't have the amount of compression that the Angel has. Of course, the Lonestar will have the ability to be lots louder than the Angel.
More criteria please! There will be lots of answers anyway, but what do you want out of the amp? Requirements? Budget? Musical types/directions? And are you thinking LS Classic or Special? Or is that part of what you're figuring out?

I assume you're into a good clean sound, because these two (three, actually) amps theoretically represent the peak(s) of Mesa's clean tones. They tend to appeal to the blues/country/jazz and lower-gain players around here. I'd assume you know this, as well as the basic features of each; so you probably know the Angel doesn't do channel switching or have a Gain + Master volume config. They're heavy and built like tanks.

The Blue Angel is supposedly like a Fender Deluxe with some cool power stage options. If you just want a sweet, medium powered amp with few/no frills, just a great old-school Class-A clean tone, the Angel is a good catch, especially for the money, usually. I haven't played one, but I want to and every time I see one listed I look at what I have to sell. But I don't really need it because...

The LSC is the full-on fashizzle, for what I do (funk, R&B, low/medium-gain rock). Powerful, versatile, configurable, and addictive. The clean channel is simply amazing, and you can dirty it up without too much complaint from the neighbors. I have not yet heard the claim as to which has the superior clean tone, and I can't say myself... but the LSC's is pretty damned sweet. The drive channel usually needs a bit more volume to get going, and it's a controversial entity around here (lots of mods/debate/tricks to play with and argue about). Also, the Classic has a few more options than the Special, fwiw. Tweed AC setting, power tube options, and some other stuff. The Special's a nice little amp, though I think I've heard more reliability issues about the LSS.

If you need a fair amount of clean headroom, the LSC is probably the thing. Otherwise, it all depends on your remaining requirements. I wish I had one of each. :) But I'm happy as a pig in merde with my LSC.
Oh yeah. I guess I was talking about the LSC not the LSS.

The Angel doesn't quite sound like a Deluxe. It's hard to describe. People did tell me it leaned more towards a 5E3y sort of sound. I haven't ever plugged my BA into a low wattage Jensen but I think they sound different.
phyrexia said:
The Angel doesn't quite sound like a Deluxe. It's hard to describe. People did tell me it leaned more towards a 5E3y sort of sound. I haven't ever plugged my BA into a low wattage Jensen but I think they sound different.
Ah, interesting. You know, I've never been able to find a good clip of a Blue Angel in action anywhere. I keep trying to convince my friend to buy one, pretty much just so I can go over to his place and check it out. :lol: Do you know of any good samples out there?
Hi Guys, thanks for the replies.

Sorry for the lack of info on my requirements – here you go

I play for a British Indie band “Moths” & our musical leanings are toward 80’s / 90’s alternative bands e.g. The Cure, Sonic Youth, My Bloody Valentine, Joy Division etc.

The rough set up is that I play the more traditional Rock sound while the other guitarist is swathed in effects. I also use a variety of different tunings.

As you’re very probably aware, the Subway blues is a one channel non-master volume amp so my drive sounds have to come from pedals. It’s just sometimes I feel I may be missing out on the flexibility of having a second channel.

We rehearse at pretty low volume levels so the switch-able output levels of both amps is very appealing.

DJW – You’re bang on when you say that I’m after a great clean tone - I can then use it as the basis of my sound and add colour with pedals. – Hence the choice between these two particular amps.

Out of the Lonestar options I was leaning toward the Special because of the 10 watt setting but I believe, correct me if I’m wrong, the later model Classics have this too. In which case I’d go for the Classic.

Anyway my thoughts are that the Blue Angel is the next logical step up from the Subway, whilst the Lonestar is a completely different beast entirely- moving away from EL84s entirely.

So that’s where you guys come in.

Keep ‘em coming!

Current set-up:

Guitar - Boss TU2 – MXR Dynacomp - Dallas Arbiter Wahface – Electro-Harmonix Small Stone - BK Butler (Chandler) Tube Driver – USA Big Muff PI – Electro-Harmonix Small Clone - Boss GE7 – Y-cable to both inputs of Boss DD6 with outputs A & B to both Bright & Fat inputs of Amp (Mesa Boogie Subway Blues)

I use a variety of guitars (due to the multiple tunings).These are all of a reasonable standard – but I’m not (nor can afford to be) a Gibson / PRS kinda guy.

Antoria “Rockstar” 335 copy – (A/B’d this against a Gibson & saved the £1500)
Jazzmaster – The Body of a Hohner JT-60 with Jazzmaster Pickups & Squier neck
Danelectro DC12
Squier Strat – £29!
Shine Telecaster – As good as the Mexican Tele I used to own but cost £50
About three weeks ago I took some out of town friends to the "Tonight" show with Kevin Eubanks, who uses a Blue Angel. During the pre-show he was getting some really great tones from the BA. You can get an idea of it's sound by watching the show albeit in abbreviated form.
Hey Chris,

Well if channel switching is an issue, then it's Lone Star all the way, right?

By the way, the LS Special (LSS) uses only EL84s, so if you're trying to get away from those, then you're talking Classic. The LSS does 5-15-30 watts, but the newer LSCs also have a 10 watt setting (10-50-100). Neither amp is particularly quiet under any settings of course (except in terms of noise/hum/hiss). Personally, I like the Classic for its configurability: you can use EL84s w/Yellowjackets if you want, which sounds terrific; and it has more oomph, especially with those 6L6s. So take a look at the options between the two -- think about Tweed power, which is nice too.

Do the Moths have a website? I like MBV and the rest.
...continuing on, regarding whether either amp would or would not suffice, and other pros and cons...

Generally, you can get used Blue Angels for about half what you pay for a used Lonestar, at least here in the states.

And as far as the music you're playing goes... I don't see why either would be inappropriate. They both ought to sound great with whatever you do. However, I can't stress enough how cool it is to have the gain + master on the clean channel of the LS; this is the clean tone I know I've been looking for, wherein I can dial in just the right amount of breakup, and it sounds fantastic at any volume. If you like clean, clean, squeaky clean, then it probably doesn't matter too much (though the LSC will give you the most clean headroom). And in that case, you'd probably be saving some money and looking at a Fender anyway. But as I understand it you have to drive the Angel a little bit to get it to break up.

I think they all take pedals pretty well.
Chrissmoth said:
Ok Dudes

It will soon be time for an upgrade


Should I go for the Lonestar or the Blue Angel?

Either way it will be a head version powering a 2x12 cab

Persuade me

I personally love the tone of the LSS way much more than the LSC.

I know the LSC has more headroom but to me it doesn't sound no where near as SWEET!!!!!

Be it as it may I have gigged a lot with the LSC and it sounds OK......however I would try out the LSS if I were you!
I gig a Blue Angel, and have for a while.

You have to understand how they work, which is cranked. They are very touch sensitive when you get them in the zone. But, with the 3 tube settings, you first have to get them in the zone. I gigged mine for a year with a Tele with single coils. Usually in the 4;EL84 setting.

Now I'm using a Gibson ES-339 with 57 Classics, and bounce between 2;6V6's, and the EL84's.

I wouldn't trade it for a solid gold monkey.

But if if you don't understand how non master amps work, you will not get it. Your meat and Tators come from your hands, not effects.

Best of luck.

I'm gonna try to get some clips this weekend.

I think we'll record through my widebody with the EV SRO, and through a recto 412 for shits and giggles. Objections? I don't have any celestiony speakers to put in the 112. Would be willing to try the 12L and the 4178H too if somebody was really interested.
phyrexia said:
I'm gonna try to get some clips this weekend.

I think we'll record through my widebody with the EV SRO, and through a recto 412 for sh!t and giggles. Objections? I don't have any celestiony speakers to put in the 112. Would be willing to try the 12L and the 4178H too if somebody was really interested.
Cool, phyrexia! What sort of recording situation do you have?
I just brought a LSC home for a try out, I also have a Hearbreaker head and a Blue Angel.
The Blue Angel is firmly on top of both these amps IMO.
I'm having touble dialing in a tone I'm after on the LSC, it's seems either to dirty or not articulate enough, either or.
The Heartbreaker I love sometimes, but sometimes have to mess around to get to where I was before. Barometric pressure?
The BA is plug in and play.
There's a lot to be said for not so many knobs in my world.
BTW, I'm mainly a roots/Americana style player, not too distorted but definitely on the greasy side of clean.
djw said:
phyrexia said:
I'm gonna try to get some clips this weekend.

I think we'll record through my widebody with the EV SRO, and through a recto 412 for sh!t and giggles. Objections? I don't have any celestiony speakers to put in the 112. Would be willing to try the 12L and the 4178H too if somebody was really interested.
Cool, phyrexia! What sort of recording situation do you have?

Well, my friend has a Digi02, with a waves mercury bundle. He's is rattling off his gear and I don't really know. Buncha mics, nice computer, nice preamps. Sounds good.
Wow - lots of replies

Just been mulling over the schematic of the BA and it would appear the pre-amp is almost identical to the Subway Blues (even including the imfamous Mojo mudule) + the bright / fat options

The power amp in EL84 mode is pretty similar too, so any major sound differences would have to be down to the 6V6s in the power amp

I didn't realise just how much like the Blue Angel the Subway Blues is - No wonder I like it so much :D

Beginning to lean rather heavilly toward the LSC...

But looking forward to hearing phyrexia's soundclips
Yep. The Blue Angel was the roots amp of all time.

It's like a Deluxe, and an AC30, only better, in a single package that you can, oh yea. COMBINE!

I'm hoping Randall comes up with "one more" non master amp. He's so damned good at it.

He could show Dr. Z a thing or two about an EL84 based 30 watt single channel non master amp.

Whoops. My bad. He already did.
