Lonestar Special problems, after only 2 weeks

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Well-known member
Jan 11, 2007
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So as I said I've had a LSS for a little over 2 weeks, took it out on a gig and everything was perfect. Then a few days ago it starts rattling like crazy when I hit certain notes. Now every amp I've ever played does this to some degree so I'm sure it's a normal thing up until a certain point. This is making almost as much noise as my actual playing it. It also seems to be sucking the tone right out. It only seems to happen on certain frequencies though, mostly stuff in the lower ranges.

So I took it into the store where I got it, their amp tech couldn't figure out what was the problem, so they sent it to the guy who does the warrenty work in the area for the Mesa products. as far as he can tell it -could- be something to do with the amp chassis, but he's not really sure, and can't find the cause otherwise.

Now these are most definitely problems that one should not have after two weeks with a $2500 amp. Right now my choices are to either see if they can fix it, get another LSS, or just get my money back and find something else that suits my needs.

I'm not really keen on having it fixed anymore, problems after this short a time don't really seem to be a good start for things, and the last thing I want to do is worry about having this crap out on me during a gig.

When I asked the tech if these had a lot of problems the best I got back was the very diplomatic response that they're delicate because of all the different functions.

I really do love the tone of the amp, and I'd prefer to just get a new one, but is this kind of problem normal? Are there a lot of problems with these amps? How delicate are they exactly? Is it a suitable amp to take out gigging, or is it best just used at home or in the studio. Will I have to worry about it crapping out because I'm moving it around too much?

Any opinions?
That is definetly not commonplace but it does happen occasionally.. I've played a LOT of boogies and even the oldest most used models still sounded perfect.. hopefully they make right on your situation.
It could be just a bad apple. I gig my Mark I reissue and it's built like a mack truck. I hope you didn't buy a floor model. I'd just return it and get a NEW LSS.
I used to be a combo guy but the last while I have gone the head and cab route for this very reason. Alot easier on the electronics and tubes. Hope things work out for ya.
Hard to tell from your description, but problems are usually a bad / noisy tube.
I have had some similar issues, I had some bad tubes out of the box and the other thing I found was theres a tension screw that goes thru the chasis and pushes against the underside of the cabinet.
Tighten it up and usually all should be ok?
I thought I read about the reverb tank hitting the back of the speaker, check it out. also pop the chassis and plug the speaker in with the chassis out (be careful) see if makes noise.

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