Lonestar Special channel switching with G-Major

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Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
Tallahassee, FL

I'd like to use the relay outputs of my TC Electronic G-Major to switch the channel on my Lonestar Special. Can anyone direct me to a schematic or information on whether this is possible? I would search this board, but I need to have posted 5 times before I can search and this is only my second post.


Hey Fryett67,

The TC sight tells you that you can do this no problem with mono cables, but if you talk to boogie they will tell you no don't do it. They have never tested the amp to do this and it could damage the switching system in your Lonestar. The say to get a $99 midi switcher for this.

I on the other hand have a friend who has the combo & the G-System and does it with no problem. I'm using my G-system and have had no problems at all (yet).

I'd give Boogie a quick call 1st.

If not send me an e-mail & I'll give you the G-system info because it's the same as the G-major I believe. [email protected]

Peace & Good luck!

It works fine. I use my G-major with the LSS all the time. Use the rear panel jack for it.

Anyone tried the 4 way switching capasity with the G System on the Roadster? Ive just bought the two and don't want to destroy it!! :twisted:



I use this method with my Lonestar Special head & G-System & it works great. Before I got the G-System I read allot of threads about what to do and not do with a G-System. I changed the factory setting regaurding the boost (turned it off) & all the little things to do to have sucess. The gear page has a great (& way long thread) thread & the TC site has a forum of questions too. I love mine and control my amp and pedals (in a seperate rack) with it too. The tone has not changed for me and I love what the "G" brings to the table. I've coppied some of the useful stuf for me & saved it to my pc. Good luck you'll love it!

Peace! Tim

So it should be fine for switching; I shall give it a go and blame you if the amp dies! :wink:

Another query, since i have spend a bundle on my new setup, it seems a shame not to have the whole rig in stereo; i do alot of recording so it should sound awsome in that situation. I don't want to buy another head (not yet anyway- although thinking about a Marshall Vintage Modern) so would a Crate Powerblock do the trick? If so how would i get the sound of the Duel rec from the amp to te block- power amp out?

Thanks for any advice!!!


Call Boogie 1st & then make your own decision. I'm actually going to buy the $99 midi switcher they recomend as soon as I get the funds. I'm using the mono cable and that works for basic channel switching so far. I don't want you to wreck your amp or blame me down the road. I'm just saying that it's working now until I change to the new set-up.

I don't run stereo yet so I can't help ya there.

Good luck and I hope it works out.

Peace! Tim
Hey Tim,

thanks for the advise- i'll give them a call tonight. Im hopeing to be able to control all 4 channels- i.e. each patch = one channel on the amp.

Anyone tried the stereo setup ive described?

Check out Axess Electronics for guitar MIDI controllers, switchers, etc. VERY good, reliable stuff.
I have been using my G-Major to switch the channels on my LSC for years without any problems.
Supertgtr and CodeTitan

Thanks for your replies. Do you take a TRS cable from the relay socket on the back of the G-Major to the footswitch socket on the front of the LoneStar or split it to the two mono switch sockets on the back of the LoneStar?



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