Lonestar combo: A question of ohms and a 2x12 exstension

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Feb 26, 2008
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Hello Lonestar players!

First of all, I need to admit that I am new at the technical side of amplifiers. I just learned about ohms and wiring schemes.

I have a 2007 2x12 Lonestar combo amp that I prefer using 50 watts on both channels. I play a Fender American Standard Telecaster.

I tried both the 4 ohm and 8 ohm outputs into the speakers (which I believe are an 8 ohm load). I'll say that I prefer the 8 ohm match rather than the 4 ohm/ 8 ohm mismatch.

I ordered a 2x12 extension for my 2x12 combo. I'd like to keep using the 8 ohm match for both speaker sets. But, the Lonestar only has one 8 ohm output. Now, my question is.....

Is there a way to run both sets of speakers with an 8 ohm match when there is only one 8 ohm output?

Also, any other recommendations are welcome. :)

-Micajah Nye
When you add the extension cab, which I think will also be 8 ohms like your current cab, the two together will be 4 ohms. If you plug them both into the 4 ohm jacks you will maintain the "impedance match" you liked running the single set of speakers in the 8 ohm jack.

If you really want to run both in the 8 ohm jack, that is fine. Though you will be selecting a purposeful mismatch. You can use an after market parallel box to do this. (plug the two cabs into the parallel box outputs, the input goes to the amps 8 ohm jack.)
Excellent! I was hoping it was going to be that easy.

I was thinking that the it would just run two sets of a 4 to 8 mismatch.
Or a combined mismatch of 8 to 16

Thank you!
So what kind of cab and speakers are you getting? I have a 2x12 ext. and wow! It really sounds great.
Since I'm a newbie on the amp tech side, I'm decided to play it safe and get the M.B. Lonestar 2x12 ext.

I'm extremely excited because I play clean single notes and jazz chording 80% of the time. The extension makes my riffs more full.

Of course, I'll only be using the extension when the venue calls for it. :)

What kind do you have, Plan-X?
I got one of these http://www.lopoline.com/catalog/item/3698263/3320075.htm
Don't ask why I chose green, I have no idea what I was thinking at the time. It was affordable. I put a weber sliver bell and blue dog, both ceramic. It really sounds great. I stack the LSC on top of it. Looks like this.
The amp on top is an acoustic for my piezo's. I like to play with the ext. cab even in the bedroom at low volumes because it just sounds fuller. Enjoy your ext. cab, I know you will.
Nice. Your extension would have matched perfectly with the Stiletto Ace.

I don't have pictures of my amp and ext., yet. But they are custom matching and look like this.

The only pic I have of my Lonestar is hidden at a show, in black and white, and w/out the ext. So it's kinda pointless. But here it is anyway.
as i understand it ... if you get an 8 ohm extension - if you want to run it alone rather than your 2x12 combo - plug it into the 8 ohm port. if you want to run them both, plug each into the two 4 ohms. that is good as the resistance to the amp decreases ...

the manual states that you can run the 8 ohm speakers in the combo into the 4 ohm port, and suggests that method if you are running on the tweed setting.