Lonestar Classic - 6L6's or EL34's?

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Active member
Nov 5, 2010
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Oxford, UK
I've owned my Lonestar classic for around a year now and although I love it I've always felt the drive channel left a lot to be desired, often sounding muffled or too mid-rangey for a situation in which the guitar is the primary instrument (a standard rock band for example). I've always thought it sounded great when having only getting the occasional lead line, as in a funk band for example where that smooth mid-rangey tone is good, just not in an electric guitar 'rock' situation.

I've wondered if this may be down to the fact I've been playing through a Marshall for the 9 years leading up to getting a Mesa, and for a while I've been in split minds whether or not to get the Reeder pot swap mod done, but haven't gotten around to it.

Anyway, just out of curiosity today I swapped the 6L6's in the Lonestar for the EL34's out of my Marshall and all of a sudden such a difference! A lot closer to the sound I've been after all this time. Only thing is now I'm unsure whether or not to keep them in there permanently... swapping back and forth between the two depending on the gig.

Does anyone else here run their Lonestar Classic/prefer the sound of it on EL34's?
I've spent some time (and scratch) on various tube approaches, including a long stint with 6V6s running on the EL34 bias setting, mixing them with either EL34s or EL84s (w/THD yellow jackets)... have come around back to using high-quality 6L6s (SED =C= & TADs). This is partly because I spend most of my time playing R&B and funk, and I spend most of my time in that context in the clean channel; if I spent more time in the rock vein, which will probably be happening soon, I might start back up with the EL34s. They do seem to sweeten Ch2 up in a way.

So I like the LSC with EL34s, but honestly I don't think the amp is voiced for them... they work, but the amp's strong points keep it more in the 6L6 camp. As a fellow former Marshall guy, I can really relate to how different it is -- to the point of, "Is something wrong??" -- from the more classically British amp flavor. I'll bet there are one or two little internal adjustments we could make to the amp (if we knew what we were doing) that would make the amp more UK than US (hell, the Egnater Tweaker is fully based on this concept). But you've already picked up on where Ch2 really shines, which is as a smooth, thick lead platform.

You don't really lose that with EL34s, which is nice; but I haven't managed to get the genuine Marshall crunch with them either. It's just not a Marshall, and that's ok. I've found that I can get close enough in a band mix using a pedal, which is fine with me because the lead tone is so unique, so I use the amp for that. But I've also found that I can get a good spot in the mix with Ch2 by itself for rhythm just by cleaning up and TURNING up. Finding a good level for rhythm and lead work has always been challenging for me, and the Solo function is really handy there... but more and more I've been just finding a good, loud lead level and then backing off my guitar for rhythm. Depends on the the song, I guess, but it's good old basic rock&roll technique. One thing the amp has going for it is VOLUME.

Regarding the Reeder mod: you'd probably really like it. It's been said that, theoretically, you should be able to get the same results with the amp as-is, but the mod makes it easier to get in that zone I think you're after.

One note: the only thing about going back and forth a lot is really needing to remember the bias switch. VERY important, and easy to neglect if you aren't mindful at the time.
...hah, as a PS: I work at home, so I can take breaks now and then... just switched to the EL34s I've been keeping around for this sort of thing. I have a pair of SED =C= EL34s in the outer slots, and some Tungsols in the inners. I have not done the bias adjustment mod yet, so I don't know how close these are to their sweet spot... but I can say that with a little bit of volume pumping through these, they sounds f*ckin awesome. So I'll be keeping them in for a while. :)
After playing with it last night at a gig, I think I'll be sticking with running my LSC on EL34's all the time now.

Now just to take the plunge and do the Reeder mod. I am slightly apprehensive about it, but it's easily reversible.

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