Lonestar Clasic 1x12 and 2x12 differences

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Sep 10, 2008
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Can you tell me what is the difference (in sound) between Lonestar Clasic 1x12 and 2x12??

Sorry for my bad english

I never heard a 1x12, but according to urban legend around here(do a search) the 1x12 sounds fuller than the 2x12. Out here in the sticks, 2x12's should sound fuller, and out headroom it as well. :?
I've had both the 1X12 and the 2X12 LSC. I now own the 1X12 and IMO it sounds fuller and more dynamic than the 2X12 I had. YMMV, but that's my story. Love my "Big Blue Pig". EL34's, JJ-pre amps and rectifryer.
Bikedude said:
I've had both the 1X12 and the 2X12 LSC. I now own the 1X12 and IMO it sounds fuller and more dynamic than the 2X12 I had. YMMV, but that's my story. Love my "Big Blue Pig". EL34's, JJ-pre amps and rectifryer.

Interesting, conventional wisdom would suggest that a 2X12 would sound fuller. How pronounced is the difference?
nemesys said:
Bikedude said:
I've had both the 1X12 and the 2X12 LSC. I now own the 1X12 and IMO it sounds fuller and more dynamic than the 2X12 I had. YMMV, but that's my story. Love my "Big Blue Pig". EL34's, JJ-pre amps and rectifryer.

Interesting, conventional wisdom would suggest that a 2X12 would sound ful
ler. How pronounced is the difference?

I really can't say how pronounced the diff. is, since I can't A/B them now, but something about all the watts concentrated into the single 12 sounds better in the widebody open backed cab of my LSC. More dynamic and touch sensitive to playing dynamics I've found with the 1X12. It is possible that the JJ pre-amp tube package contributes to this, or the EL34's, I don't know, but I'm glad I have the 1X12 now instead of the 2X12 I had. BTW the 2X12 I had just up and died on me(no sound). It was in a Mesa service center for 6 weeks before they told me they would have to ship it back to CA., and gave me a brand new 1X12 with a price break. Only thing I miss about the 2X12 was I had it in the Cream tolex /black grille which was tasty.
I've played both. I own a 2x12. IMO, it's head and shoulders "bigger" sounding than the 1x12.
plan-x said:
CudBucket said:
I've played both. I own a 2x12. IMO, it's head and shoulders "bigger" sounding than the 1x12.
That just makes sense. 8)

That's why we have this forum, everyone's opinions and tastes vary. I'm sticking by what sounds best to me, as I've had both LSC's, and I like the 1X12 better.
Bikedude said:
That's why we have this forum, everyone's opinions and tastes vary. I'm sticking by what sounds best to me, as I've had both LSC's, and I like the 1X12 better.

Hey, that's why the fine folks at Mesa make 'em both ways. :wink:

I can kind of see where you're coming from, though, at the same time I can see the conventional wisdom of a 2x12 sounding bigger. The 1x12 LSC has a fairly big cabinet, which gives the speaker a good amount of room to breathe, but the same cabinet is perhaps a bit on the small size for a 2x12 configuration. Also, there is something about the sound of a speaker being pushed close to its power handling capability that is distinctly different from the sound of an amp loafing into a high-powered speaker and not really pushing it too hard.
nemesys said:
Bikedude said:
That's why we have this forum, everyone's opinions and tastes vary. I'm sticking by what sounds best to me, as I've had both LSC's, and I like the 1X12 better.

Hey, that's why the fine folks at Mesa make 'em both ways. :wink:

I can kind of see where you're coming from, though, at the same time I can see the conventional wisdom of a 2x12 sounding bigger. The 1x12 LSC has a fairly big cabinet, which gives the speaker a good amount of room to breathe, but the same cabinet is perhaps a bit on the small size for a 2x12 configuration. Also, there is something about the sound of a speaker being pushed close to its power handling capability that is distinctly different from the sound of an amp loafing into a high-powered speaker and not really pushing it too hard.

Exactly my line of thinking, I couldn't have said it better. Nice work!
I've had the 112 and now have a 212. I think one of the reasons folks find the 112 more responsive is the C90 speakers. With one the speaker is getting pushed a bit, but two of them stay pretty stiff. I'm not a C90 fan anyway, so I ordered my current Lonestar 212 with V30s. To me the V30s are a much better match, and I don't find the need to run the treble and presence as high as I did with the C90. The V30s are very responsive and fat sounding but also clearer than the C90 was. They did go through a harsh period for about two months when I first got the amp but once they broke in they smoothed out and sound great. I think that's also why a lot of folks hear Andy Timmons on the Lonestar and wonder why they never got that sound out of theirs. Andy uses his LS through 212 Recto cabs with V30s! I can get the Timmons lead sound out of my 212 with V30s. Now if I could just play like Andy :)
I A/B'd the 1 x 12 vs the 2 x 12 for about two hours trying to decide which to buy. It killed me because I was set on a 2 x 12 set up. both were the wide body set up, but the 1 x 12 sounded better. I don't know if it was from phase cancellation, but Both units were brand new out the box, and the 1 x 12 just sounded "clearer". I don't know about fullness, but it sounded better. I ended up buying the "big blue pig" 06' widebody and a 1 x 12 extension cab to make up the deifference. Honestly though, the 1 x 12 wide body cab has been used twice. It sits in my studio collecting dog dander. The 1 x 12 is plenty loud enough. I can kill small animals and children with the levels this amp can obtain. it's TOO loud actually. I **** near maimed my self opening the thing up to 2:00.
i dont own eather the 1x12 or the 2x12 however i do think it makes sense that the 1x12 sounds "fuller" or better in some way.. if the 1x12 and 2x12 are both driven by the same amp, then you would be pushing the speaker harder in the 1x12 then in the 2x12 at a lower volume.. right? 90 watts vs 180 watts...

thats assuming there is such a thing as a speaker sweet spot..

just a thought.
I had the 212, it sounded nice and wide, i had mismatched speakers in it and i liked the mix,
I now have the 410 combo and its massive, it has 2 jensens and 2 eminence and it is huge sounding like a great super reverb or bassman. throw in the gain channel and it is a beast.
I A/B'd both models and chose the 2 x 12. No regrets. Only downside is it's heavy.
close to 100 Lbs in the road case. Now I have a 2 x 12 ext cab on the way. Gonna stack
nomad100hd said:
i started lifting so my amp wouldn't be such a hassle to move.

That's funny, I started moving the Lonestar around and now I don't need to lift anymore ;)