Lonestar 100/50 vs 100/50/10 Tone Differences?

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Oct 3, 2011
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I've found a few threads on this subject, but nothing too substantial. I'm getting closer to pulling the trigger on a 1 x 12" combo (thanks JAZZGEAR for recommending the 1 x 12" cab voicing).

The only person with an opinion on the tonal superiority of one version over the other was again JAZZGEAR who vouches for the first version (100/50). I'm inclined to go with his opinion since he's the only person not neutral on the subject. Has anybody else played both versions and have an opinion on the 100/50 vs 100/50/10?

There's a 100/50 1 x 12 version for sale in my town right now for $1,100. Thanks for the opinions guys (and gals)!
I have the 100/50, and it is awesome. Like the others said, get it, you won't regret it - Lonestars are the ultimate.
Go 4 it. That's an excellent price. An having owned several 10/50/100 in all the form factors I will reaffirm that the 50/100 sounds better to my ears.
Ive played both 10/50/100 and 50/100 models side by side and through the same speakers.
Really didnt notice anything different. They sounded the same to me.
I got the 10/50/100 but never use either the 10/50watt options anyway.
lostcause said:
Ive played both 10/50/100 and 50/100 models side by side and through the same speakers.
Really didnt notice anything different. They sounded the same to me.
I got the 10/50/100 but never use either the 10/50watt options anyway.

We all hear things differently, but I not only played both versions, I've owned both at the same time. And while yes, the signature sound is the same, the 50/100 sounded better every time - both live and recorded. I sold the 10/50/100 and kept the older model
Although I respect your opinion and personal experience I dont think my own experience with the two models lines up directly with yours.
Ive found slight variations in sound and eq settings on different 10/50/100 amps when a/b'd through the same cab. While the signature sound was indeed the same, there was maybe a different bass response or a mid thing that couldnt be dialed in or out of one that was present on one but not on the ones next to it. Whether it was a tube thing or a slight difference in a part that was used I dont know....and that is just comparing different 10/50/100 model LS's
The only times I have a/b'd the 50/100 vs the 10/50/100 were when we have had s/h 50/100's to compare with the new 10/50/100's. I just have never heard any real difference other than what I would find between same model amps.
What I have found is that every once in a while an absolute gem of an amp will come through. Some how it just has something that all the other amps of the same model dont have. Ive experienced it with most Mesa models and other brands as well. I bought my LS because it was one of those amps that just had "it".
Seems to me that just like guitars, amps are also open to variation between amps of the same model even if there is only one number different in the serial number.
I would get the 50/100 model. Fewer components, less sonic degradation.
I have never tried the older model but I really like the 10 watt mode in the drive channel for gigging. I just play bars and dont need serious volume. We mic everything up and try to keep the stage volume down so we dont blow away the people up close. There is still alot of volume left on the dial in 10 watt mode but it allows me to get those power tubes cooking some