level problems with my studio pre/2:90 setup

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Well-known member
Feb 9, 2007
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Hey guys,
I'm wondering if any of you have had a similar problem. I am running from the studio pre to my rack to the 2:90. The problem is that the volume is insanely loud (over-powering a drum set) with the power amp turned to about 1/2 out of 10. Meanwhile, the rack effects are not registering enough level on the led's. Is this the cost of doing business with the 2:90? I think the obvious solution would be to run the racks in the effects loop of the pre, rather than between the pre and the power amp, but what if I was running a multiple preamp setup? I appreciate your insight.
Where is your output level on the Studio Pre? I'm surprised to hear you're having trouble getting enough level to your effects; the Studio Pre's outputs are pretty hot. Is there any way you can raise the input sensitivity on the effects?
i'd start with turning the output of the effects down all the way. then adjust the input until it registers properly. then turn the output up to the right place.
I typically run rack effects in-line (between the preamp and power amp) and do not use the loops for much on the Studio, and I run multiple preamps with this application. I've used the 2:90 and absolutely love the tone...but it is alot of power amp to tame.
Whoopysnorp said:
Where is your output level on the Studio Pre? I'm surprised to hear you're having trouble getting enough level to your effects; the Studio Pre's outputs are pretty hot. Is there any way you can raise the input sensitivity on the effects?

I've got the main outputs turned up halfway to about 5.
RJ2213 said:
i'd start with turning the output of the effects down all the way. then adjust the input until it registers properly. then turn the output up to the right place.

The problem is that I've got an eq (for solo boosts) as the last rack effect in the signal path. It has an input knob, but no output knob. Maybe I shouldn't concern myself so much with what the led is doing, but it seems like it should at least go to the unity symbol and not with the -10 barely flickering. From there, the signal goes directly to the Poweramp where it's either almost off or blaring.
does the fx unit have a switch for like line/instrument? if so that might just be set wrong. also check that switch on the back of the 2:90. but in the end, does it sound right? if so, dont worry about it. the truth is in your ears.

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